Department of Education, Florida State University  



    Florida State University




    RFQ 5988- A





    Florida State University is requesting proposals from Engineering consulting firms experienced in comprehensive utility infrastructure condition assessment, utility geolocation, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/AssetWorks platform integration. The chosen firm will conduct and implement a comprehensive utility location and condition assessment and build a corresponding ArcGIS file geodatabase (FGDB) and online GIS platform that integrates the collected data with FSU’s AiM AssetWorks Integrated Workplace Management System (AiM). The term survey when used throughout this RFQ refers to a general assessment and geolocation of infrastructure and assets; it does not refer to the profession or science of licensed survey work, does not need to be completed by a licensed professional, and will not be used for legal boundary identification.



    The effective date of this contract will be from the date of the purchase order through the anticipated completion of project. The overall project is anticipated to begin late May 2019 and be completed by June 30, 2021.

    III.Sole Point of Contact

    James C. Johnson, Category Manager for Facilities/MRO, Procurement Services, 969 Learning Way, Mendenhall Bldg. A, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4153, Phone: (850)645-0407, Email:


    Please use the Question & Answer Board within the RFQ event of FSU’s Public Procurement Portal to ask any questions. See the Calendar of Events for the last day to submit questions. At all times it shall remain the responsibility of the Respondent participating in the RFQ to check the RFQ event for any addenda, notices or award decisions and the Question and Answer Board. No further notice will be given.


    Only those communications that are in writing from Procurement Services shall be considered as a duly authorized expression on behalf of FSU. Respondents may not consider any verbal instructions as an official expression on FSU’s behalf. QUESTIONS DIRECTED TO, OR ANY PROPOSALS RECEIVED FROM ANY OTHER DEPARTMENT, PERSON, AGENT, OR REPRESENTATIVE OF FSU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED VALID OR BINDING. Also, FSU will recognize only communications from Respondents that are either signed and in writing or submitted directly within FSU’s Public Procurement Portal as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the Respondent.


    Respondents to this RFQ or persons acting on their behalf shall not contact any employee or officer of FSU, Board of Trustees, or a University Direct Support Organization concerning any aspect of this RFQ, except in writing to the Sole Point of Contact or Chief Procurement Officer or as provided in this RFQ document, from the date of release of this RFQ through the end of the 72-hour period following FSU’s posting of the notice of intended award, in accordance with Board of Governors (BOG) Regulation 18.002. Violation of this provision may be grounds for rejecting a proposal response.

    necessary to change any of these dates and times, it will issue an Addendum to the RFQ. All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST). It is the Respondent’s responsibility to check FSU’s Public Procurement Portal for any updates or addendums to this RFQ.





    FSU Releases (FSU Public Procurement Portal Open Date) RFQ


    Question & Answer Submission no later than 5 pm EST


    Answers to be posted no later than 5 pm EST


    Proposals Due (FSU Public Procurement Portal Close Date) from Respondents no later than 3 pm EST


    FSU Posts Intent to Award on or about


    Unless otherwise revised by a subsequent addendum to this RFQ, the dates and times by which stated actions should be taken or completed are listed above. If FSU determines, in its sole discretion, that it is necessary to change any of these dates and times, it will issue an Addendum to the RFQ. All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST). It is the Respondent’s responsibility to check FSU’s Public Procurement Portal for any updates or addendums to this RFQ.


     FSU campus locations relevant to this proposal include all FSU properties, i.e. Main Campus, Southwest Campus (including Innovation Park, Seminole Golf Course, Rec SportsPlex, and FSU Reservation), Jim Moran Institute, Facility for Arts Research, Florida High, Panama City Campus, the Ringling Campus, and all remote properties.

    This project will include locating and surveying utility systems on University property including electrical, steam, gas, hot water loops, chilled water, telecommunications, domestic water, sanitary sewer, natural gas (owned by City of Tallahassee), wells, and stormwater. The completed survey will provide FSU with the location, condition, size/capacity, flow direction of the utilities and an inventory of buildings served by the utilities as explicated in the following sections. The successful engineering firm will provide these services and deliver the information in a digital format (FGDB) and a web resident format.

    The successful firm, in coordination with FSU Utilities & Engineering and the FSU Facilities ITS department, will be required to integrate the utilities survey with the AiM AssetWorks software and database. Support shall include integration of applicable AiM assets with respective GIS FGDB and maps, so that Work Orders, Inspections and Preventative Maintenance can be viewed on the GIS platform.

    The services provided for this project will include recommendations for FGDB organizational structure, document management organization, data dictionary development, policies and procedures for maintaining accurate information effectively and efficiently, and potential resources needed to implement the program.

    The University possesses some CADD/GIS information in paper and/or digital format. The successful firm, in coordination with FSU Utilities & Engineering and the FSU Space Planning Department, will be required to review, verify, and incorporate existing information into the official campus GIS map, which is projected in NAD 1983 HARN State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903 (US Feet). Additionally, the firm will be required to conduct interviews and site visits with staff to identify and capture historical utility knowledge for incorporation into the base map. For each of the following systems, each visible structure shall be photographed and geo-referenced to supplement the GIS deliverable. Each asset will have a specific set of required attributes for collection (detailed in the following section), but all assets will require the following: campus, city, county, owner.

    Storm Water System

    Survey Phase: Perform a survey of stormwater system, including conveyances (closed and open), inlets, drains, and manholes, to gather the following data:

    Horizontal location

    Pipe size, type and condition

    Pipe size and type at each structure

    Direction of flow of each pipe at each structure

    Manhole condition assessments

    Stormwater Video Inspection

    Perform a video inspection and assessment of closed stormwater conveyances (pipes) within project limits using NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Standards. This phase includes engineering services to review and make observations of closed stormwater conveyances conditions within the project limits. Light to moderate cleaning prior to videoing should be considered a part of the scope of services. Deliverables will include digital files of the video inspection and a log of findings, which should be incorporated into the GIS database.

    Condition Assessment: Perform field observations of existing storm drainage structures to determine the condition of the system. Document and assess the condition of each structure and the pipes that are visible at each structure. Document and assess condition of each manhole using NASSCO or ASCE manhole assessment standards. Photographs of each manhole or structure are required.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey Phase, Video Inspection Phase and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these service

    Sanitary Sewer System

    Perform a survey of sanitary sewer piping system, including manholes, to gather the following data:

    Horizontal location

    Pipe size, type and condition

    Pipe size and type at each structure

    Direction of flow of each pipe at each structure

    Manhole condition

    Sanitary Sewer Video Inspection

    Perform a video inspection and assessment of sanitary sewers within project limits using NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Standards. This phase includes engineering services to review and make observations of sanitary sewer conditions within the project limits. Light to moderate cleaning prior to videoing should be considered a part of the scope of services. Deliverables will include digital files of the video inspection and a log of findings, which should be incorporated into the GIS database.

    Condition Assessment: Engineer shall perform observation of existing sanitary sewer manholes within the project limits to determine the condition of the system. Engineer will assess and document the condition of each structure and the pipes that are visible at each structure. Document and assess condition of each manhole using NASSCO or ASCE manhole assessment standards. FSU will provide the location for all known FSU owned manholes. FSU will coordinate with COT to provide location of COT owned manholes and piping. University personnel will be made available to provide local knowledge.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey Phase, Video Inspection Phase and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.

    Chilled Water

    Perform a survey of each of the chilled water distribution piping, air vents, drains, and valves to gather the following data on each structure:

    Horizontal location

    Vertical elevation

    Piping materials

    Piping sizes

    Insulation type, thickness, and condition

    Year of installation

    Condition Assessment: Review all available information, including existing drawings, local knowledge and interviews of staff to determine the age and condition of the piping and insulation. Engineer shall interview staff to assist with identification of areas where leaks recur or main breaks occur. Location of all campus chilled water distribution shall be determined whether above or below ground. All applicable methods of locating pipe shall be used, including but not limited to GPR. Perform field observations of existing structures to determine the condition of the system.

    Report phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.

    Potable Water and Fire Water

    Perform a survey of all above ground water system structures including   hydrants, valve boxes, water meters, meter pits/boxes, PIVs, and backflow preventers (BFPs). Perform a survey of potable water pipe system. Perform visual review of all associated systems to gather the following information.              

    Horizontal location

    Vertical elevation

    Piping sizes and materials

    Flow direction

    Insulation type, thickness, and condition (BFPs)

    Condition Assessment: Review all available information, including existing drawings and interview staff for local knowledge to determine the age and condition of underground piping. Maintenance staff will be interviewed to locate chronic problems areas. Location and direction of all campus water distribution shall be determined by the engineer above and below ground. All applicable methods of locating pipe shall be used including, but not limited to, ground penetrating radar (GPR).

    Report phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.

    Electrical Distribution

    Perform a survey of existing electrical distribution, both above ground and underground. The engineer shall provide:

    Location of all primary feeds and secondary conductors

    Location of all lights, including pedestrian pathway and parking lot lighting, and conductors

    Location of all Blue Lights

    Location of all electric meters

    Location of all generators

    Cooling towers and any other special equipment requiring electrical service

    Location of all duct banks, with designation of functional use of each (i.e. fiber, secondary conductor, primary conductor, etc.)

    Geo-referenced photographs of above ground equipment

    Vertical elevations shall be indicated for all components of the systems as applicable

    Condition Assessment: Review all available information, including existing drawings, local knowledge and interviews of staff to determine the age and condition of the existing electrical infrastructure. Engineer shall interview staff to assist with identification of problem areas. Location of all electrical distribution shall be determined whether above or below ground. Perform field observations of existing infrastructure to determine the condition of the system. Document and assess the condition of all infrastructure. Document and assess condition of each manhole. Photographs of each manhole or structure are required.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.

    Steam Distribution

    Perform a survey of all above ground and underground steam distribution system piping, tunnels, manholes, valves, condensate, traps, etc. Information collected shall include pipe and valve sizes, details of manhole equipment (i.e. pumps, lights, ladders, alarms, etc.), and schematics of each manhole.

    Horizontal location

    Vertical elevation

    Piping materials

    Piping sizes

    Flow direction

    Insulation type, thickness, and condition

    Year of installation

    Condition Assessment: Review all available information, including existing drawings, local knowledge and interviews of staff to determine the age and condition of the piping and insulation. Engineer shall interview staff to assist with identification of areas where leaks recur or main breaks occur. Location of all campus steam distribution shall be determined whether above or below ground. All applicable methods of locating pipe shall be used, including but not limited to GPR. Perform field observations of existing structures to determine the condition of the system. Document and assess the condition of each structure and the pipes that are visible at each structure. Document and assess condition of each manhole using NASSCO or ASCE manhole assessment standards. Photographs of each manhole or structure are required.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.

    Gas Distribution

    Perform a survey of all above ground and underground gas distribution system piping, valves and meters. Work with the City to verify City-provided GIS data of gas distribution system.

    Horizontal location

    Vertical elevation

    Piping materials

    Piping sizes

    Flow direction

    Meter location

    Condition Assessment: Perform a survey of all above and below ground gas distribution system piping. Review all available information, including drawings and local knowledge. Maintenance staff shall be interviewed and any problem areas where recurring leaks or main breaks occur will be identified. Location and direction of all campus gas distribution shall be determined whether above or below ground. All applicable methods of locating pipe shall be used including, but not limited to GPR.  Each visible structure shall be geo-reference photographed to supplement the GIS data and incorporated into the GIS deliverable.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.

    Well Inventory

    Perform a survey of all well infrastructure. Information collected shall include:

    Well use

    Permitting agency (DEP or NWFWMD)

    Operating permit number

    Status (i.e. abandoned, unused, etc.)

    Owner/department (i.e. FSU, State of Florida, TIIFT)


    Well depth

    Casing depth




    Pump data (type, size, model, condition etc.)

    Condition Assessment: Review all available information, including existing drawings, local knowledge and interviews of staff to determine the age and condition of campus wells. Engineer shall interview staff to assist with identification of problematic wells.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.


    Perform a survey of each of the visible above ground structures to gather the following data:

    Horizontal location

    Vertical elevation

    Geo-referenced photograph of each structure and manhole (inside and outside)

    Fiber count, including fiber used and available

    Fiber type (i.e. multi-mode/ single mode)

    Indicate which agency/ entity ownership (i.e. IT, NRLP, Telecom)

    Fiber route, including location of all duct banks

    Indicate duct bank usage (i.e. fiber, secondary conductor, primary conductor)

    Condition Assessment: Typical structures include fiber boxes, manholes, etc. It is expected that the engineer will use existing drawings, local knowledge, and any means necessary including GPR to establish the data. Some areas of campus have been previously surveyed. For areas where recent survey has been performed, surveyor shall incorporate existing survey information into overall base map.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.


    Perform a survey of each of the visible above ground structures to gather the following data:

    Horizontal location

    Vertical elevation

    Geo-referenced photograph of each structure

    Fiber route

    Condition Assessment: Typical structures include telephone boxes, manholes, etc.  It is expected that the engineer will use existing drawings, local knowledge, and any means necessary including GPR to establish the data. Some areas of campus have been previously surveyed. For areas where recent survey has been performed, surveyor shall incorporate existing survey information into overall base map.

    Report Phase: Based on the data collected during the Survey and Condition Assessment, the engineer will prepare a summary report outlining the findings of the condition assessment. The report shall include identification of problematic areas that need improvements. Design for improvements is excluded from these services.


    Work with the University to generate a list of attributes for objects or layers that will be added to the database at a later date. The program will need to be developed to anticipate these additive elements such as Emergency Management Systems (cameras, card access readers etc.) bike racks, knox boxes, parking lot gated access, parking assignments, parking spaces, etc.


    The submitted proposal responses will be evaluated on the following criteria.

    a.        Experience and Qualifications


    b.       Overall Responsiveness of Proposal to Satisfy Specifications of RFQ



    c.        Value Added Functions, Features and Services: FSU will consider proposals for value added features that may improve the performance, efficiency, and functionality of the overall project


    Proposal responses shall be submitted exactly as outlined, and the required information shall be provided in the section under which it was requested by FSU. Respondents may not combine or reorganize the headings and/or requests for information, or indicate that the information will be included in another section. Proposal responses shall not refer FSU to any location outside the requested sections noted within the required format below (i.e. External website).

    Note: If Respondent’s proposal deviates from these instructions, such proposal may, at FSU’s sole discretion, be rejected.

    a.       Upload Instructions

    FSU utilizes an online electronic sourcing portal for accepting proposals digitally. We do not accept hard copy submissions or submissions through any other medium other than through FSU’s Public Procurement Portal. Your submission must be uploaded prior to the Closing Time as indicated in the Calendar of Events. We strongly recommend that you give yourself sufficient time and at least ONE (1) hour before Closing Time to begin the uploading process and to finalize your submission.

           Each item of Requested Information is instantly sealed (no one from FSU can review) and will only be visible after the Closing Time. You may edit your submission as needed up to Closing Time.

           Responders may elect to utilize the import/export feature to export questions into Excel in order to work on responses offline and import into the system upon completion.

           Keep in mind that when answering questions in the provided text box within the system (if applicable) there is a limit to the number of characters you can use in your response. The dynamic character limit counter at the bottom of each text box will display the remaining characters available.

           Uploading large documents may take significant time, depending on the size of the file(s) and your Internet connection speed. The maximum upload file size is 50 MB.

           Please do not embed any documents within your uploaded files, as they will not be accessible or evaluated.

           Information submitted that is not requested by FSU may be considered to be supplemental and not subject to evaluation.

           All sourcing event-related communications between Respondents and FSU is managed and tracked through a Question and Answer Board within the RFQ event on the Public Procurement Portal. Any issues related to logging in or technical issues, including attachments, questions can be submitted to our third party software host, SciQuest via a Support Form: or via 1(800)233-1121, option 2 then option 2.

Document Information