Other Agencies and Organizations, Miami-Dade County Public Schools  



    Miami-Dade County Public Schools



    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida (“M-DCPS or the District”), received an unsolicited proposal (“Proposal”,) pursuant to School Board Policy 6327, Public-Private Partnerships and Unsolicited Proposals, as well as Section 255.065, Florida Statutes. The Proposal is for a public-private partnership to lease the 8.5 acre property located at the former Westview Middle School, with an address of 1901 Northwest 127th Street, Miami, Florida 33167. This lease provides proposers the opportunity to construct modular residential dormitories to serve at-risk students, in grades 6-12.

    The District has determined that this Proposal is sufficient for consideration on a preliminary basis and will accept other proposals for the same project purpose during this notification period. No final decision has been made relative to accepting this or any other proposal for this project.

    Anyone interested in submitting a competing proposal pursuant to Section 255.065, Florida Statues, is hereby invited to submit a proposal in compliance with Section 255.065, Florida Statues. The submitted proposal shall include (3) three hard copies and one (1) electronic copy and shall be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, to The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Office of Procurement Management Services – Attention: Chief Procurement Officer, Melody Thelwell, MPA, 1450 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 650, Miami, Florida 33132, on or before the date stipulated above. Please note, all proposal must be accompanied by the applicable application fee of $25,000 in the form of cashier’s check, money order and/or bank draft.

    All packages shall be clearly marked “Unsolicited Proposal No. 2017-01 Westview Middle School Modular Residential Dormitories”. The District will not be responsible in the event the U.S. Postal Service or any other courier system fails to deliver any package by the above referenced deadline. Late submissions shall not be accepted. The District reserves the right to reject any and all submissions, to waive any and all irregularities in any submission, or as provided under Section 255.065, Florida Statutes, to award and negotiate with the firm whose proposal best serves the interests of the District. Responses will be publicly opened in the location noted above, on the due date/time above. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted as an obligation or binding agreement by the District regarding the project.

    In ranking the proposals, the District will consider factors in accordance with Florida Statute 287.05712 that include, but are not limited to, professional qualifications, general business terms, innovative design techniques or cost-reduction terms, and finance plans. In addition, all proposals must include information as provided within Board Policy 6327, Public-Private Partnerships and Unsolicited Proposals. In accordance with Florida Statute 255.065, negotiations for a comprehensive agreement with the highest ranked firm will be considered. The District will provide notice of a decision or proposed decision regarding the contract award. Any person who is, or claims to be, adversely affected by the District’s decision or proposed decision shall file a written Notice of Protest with the Office of Procurement Management within 72 hours after issuance of the notice of decision or proposed decision. For complete protest procedures, please contact: Melody Thelwell at the address provided above.

    All proposals received in response to this Notice will become the property of M-DCPS and will not be returned. Such proposals and related information shall be subject to applicable provisions of the Florida Public Records Law.

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