Gold Seal Quality Care Program for Family Day Care and Large Family Child Care Homes, Gold Seal Quality Care Program for Regulated Child Care Facilities  



    Division of Early Learning


    6M-10.001Gold Seal Quality Care Program for Family Day Care and Large Family Child Care Homes

    6M-10.002Gold Seal Quality Care Program for Regulated Child Care Facilities


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 48 No. 38, February 24, 2022 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    In response to JAPC the rules are amended as follows:

    6M-10.001 Gold Seal Quality Care Program

    (1) Definitions.

    (a) No change.

    (b) “Class I Violation” is an incident of noncompliance with a Class I standard as described by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) on CF-FSP Form 5316 and CF-FSP Form 5427 in Rule 65C-22.010, F.A.C., CF-FSP Form 5318, and CF-FSP Form 5317 in Rule 65C-20-012, F.A.C., or by the Division of Early Learning (DEL) on Form OEL-SR-6201, Form OEL-SR-6203, and Form OEL-SR-6205 in Rule 6M-4.620, F.A.C. Class I violations are the most serious in nature.

    (c) “Class II Violation” is an incident of noncompliance with an individual Class II standard as described by the DCF on CF-FSP Form 5316 and CF-FSP Form 5427 in Rule 65C-22.010, F.A.C., CF-FSP Form 5318, and CF-FSP Form 5317 in Rule 65C-20-012, F.A.C., or by the DEL on Form OEL-SR-6201, Form OEL-SR-6203, and Form OEL-SR-6205 in Rule 6M-4.620, F.A.C. Class II violations are less serious in nature than Class I violations. A Class II standard violation resulting in death or serious harm to a child shall escalate to a Class I violation.

    (d) “Class III Violation” is an incident of noncompliance with an individual Class III standard as described by the DCF on CF-FSP Form 5316 and CF-FSP Form 5427 in Rule 65C-22.010, F.A.C., CF-FSP Form 5318, and CF-FSP Form 5317 in Rule 65C-20-012, F.A.C., or by the DEL on Form OEL-SR-6201, Form OEL-SR-6203, and Form OEL-SR-6205 in Rule 6M-4.620, F.A.C. Class III violations are less serious in nature than Class I or Class II violations.

    (e) through (f) No change.

    (2) through (3) No change.


    6M-10.002, Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Associations

    (1) No change.

    (2) Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Association Requirements.

    (a) through (c) No change.

    (d) Applicants must obtain an overall compliance percentage of 85% or higher of the standards outlined on Form DEL - GS02 Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Association Evaluation Manual for Family Day Care Homes and Large Family Child Care Homes, May 2022, or Form DEL-GS04 Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Association Evaluation Manual for Child Care Facilities, May 2022. These forms are incorporated by reference and a copy may be obtained from the DEL’s website at or from the following link: (insert link).

    1. An Accrediting Association approved by the DEL as a Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Association under this rule must ensure, when issuing accreditations to Florida child care providers for the purposes of Gold Seal designation, that the child care providers have met an overall compliance percentage of 85% or higher under the association’s accreditation standards.

    (e) The DEL’s Gold Seal Quality Care Standards are established in Form DEL-GS03, Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Standards for Child Care Facilities, May 2022, and Form DEL-GS01, Gold Seal Quality Care Accrediting Standards for Licensed Family Day Care Homes and Large Family Child Care Homes, May 2022, which are incorporated by reference and copies may be obtained from the DEL’s website at or from the following link: (insert link).

    (f) through (o) No change.

    (3) No change.