Regional Planning Councils, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council  

  • Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council


    Development of three distinct Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plans for

    Indian River County, Martin County and St. Lucie County.

    The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (“TCRPC”) is seeking the planning services of a consultant to assist in the development of Post Disaster Redevelopment Plans (PDRP) for each of the following counties: Indian River, Martin and St. Lucie Counties. TCRPC is not seeking services within the scope of the practice of architecture, engineering, landscape architecture or surveying and mapping; however, persons that practice in those professions are not precluded from submitting proposals if they are otherwise qualified to provide the planning services being sought.

    All proposals, in order to be considered, must be delivered to and received by the TCRPC at the address set forth below prior to 2:00 p.m. on May 2, 2011. All proposals shall be addressed to Mr. Terry Hess, Deputy Director of the TCRPC. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope which must specifically identify, on the face of the envelope, that it is submitted in response to RFP #03-2011-1. No proposals will be accepted by telegram, fax, E-mail or in any other manner. Any cost incurred in the preparation of a response or presentation will be borne by the consultant. The full Request for Proposal package and the scopes of work for the project are posted to the TCRPC website:

    This request for proposals does not commit the TCRPC, or Indian River, Martin, and/or St. Lucie Counties to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in preparation of a response to this request. The TCRPC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with all qualified sources, to waive minor irregularities, informalities, or technicalities, to cancel in part or in its entirety this request for proposals, to re-advertise for other proposals, or to cancel or terminate the solicitation process if such actions are determined by TCRPC to be in its best interest.

    The TCRPC recognizes fair and open competition as a basic tenet of public procurement and encourages participation by small business enterprises, and minority and women’s/managed business enterprises and those businesses with a local office presence. TCRPC does not award advanced standing for such business classifications, but encourages their participation. Questions should be submitted to Kathryn E. Boer, Emergency Programs Coordinator at (772)221-4060 or

    Submit 6 paper copies of proposal to:

    Terry L. Hess, AICP

    Deputy Director

    Treasure Coast Regional Planning TCRPC

    421 S.W. Camden Avenue

    Stuart, FL 34994

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