Department of Education, School Districts  



    School Districts

    DCPS Sale of Surplus Real Property –Normandy School No. 204/OFDC -ITB-023-15

    DUVAL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - Invitation to Bid for Sale of Surplus Real Property - Normandy School No. 204 - Publish Date is April 10, 2015. Sealed bids will be received by Duval County Public Schools, Division of Facilities, Room 535, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32207 until the time and date recorded below and immediately thereafter publicly opened and recorded in the Duval County Public Schools, School Board Building, located at 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, Florida, 5th Floor, Room 513D. BIDS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 18, 2015 AND WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 2:00 PM. OFFICIAL PROJECT TITLE: Sale of Surplus Real Property –Normandy School No. 204/OFDC -ITB-023-15. Purpose:  This Invitation to Bid is to accept firm offers for the sale of surplus Duval County Public Schools real estate located at Normandy School No. 204, 6803 Arques Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32205. Real estate documents for bidding may be examined at the Duval County Public Schools Administration Building located at 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32207. DCSB Point of Contact: Tyler Loehnert (904)390-2359. Open House inspections will be conducted at the Normandy School No. 204 property on the following dates: May 13, 2015, May 20, 2015, June 3, 2015, June 16, 2015, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon. Contract documents for bidding information may be obtained at Follow website to Departments/Facilities/Projects/Selection Booklets/Sale of Surplus Property. The Bid Award Recommendation will be posted on the first floor bulletin board at the Duval County School Board Building, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, Florida 32207-8182.

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