The Pinellas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is accepting proposals from qualified certified public accounting firms to audit the financial records and transactions of the MPO in accordance with requirements of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, 31 U.S.C. §§ 7501 et. seq., OMB Circular A-133 [49 CFR 18.26], Audits of State, Local Government, and Non-Profit Organizations, Section 215.97, F.S. Florida Single Audit Act and Rules 10.550 and 10.650, Rules of the Auditor General on an annual basis for a period of three years with three one-year options for renewal of each fiscal year starting October 1, 2007. Information concerning this RFP, including the proposed contract, brief scope of services and previous years audit, may be viewed at
The MPO does not discriminate on any basis, as required by 49 USC 5332 (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age in employment or business opportunity), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended 42 USC 2000d to 2000d-4, and Title 49 CFR, Part 21. The MPO ensures, in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26, that certified FDOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) participants have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in FDOT assisted contracts. More information on the MPOs DBE Program may be found at
TO RESPOND: Firms, qualified to conduct business in the State of
The letter of response must be brief and include, at a minimum, the following information:
Name and address of submitting firm
Contact person, telephone number and e-mail address
Key personnel and their title and/or classification
Relevant past experience
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification status
MPO Mailing Address:
Attention: Linda Boykin, Planner
Telephone: (727)464-8200
Selection Process: From the received letters of response, the MPO Staff Auditor Selection Committee shall shortlist a minimum of three firms. Shortlisted firms will be notified by e-mail and will be required to supply a written proposal to the MPO office by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 23, 2007. Proposals are to remain in effect for 90 calendar days from date of submission. The MPO reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or negotiate changes to the proposals whenever such rejection, waiver or negotiation is in the best interest of the MPO. Firms will be ranked based upon their understanding of requested services, professional qualifications, experience, proposed fee and DBE status. The committee will negotiate a contract with the Number 1 ranked firms and present the contract to the MPO Board at their July 11 or August 8 meeting. The MPO reserves the right to change the above schedule as necessary. Any changes will be posted on the Auditor RFP webpage.