The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) announces the availability of a Request for Proposals. This RFP is being issued to enhance the information base necessary for the FDDC continued efforts to improve the delivery of services to the states children and adults with developmental disabilities.
The Council recognizes that all children have hopes and dreams for the future as well as talents, interests and skills. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and
Years of focused research show that youth with disabilities achieve better outcomes when their transition from school to work, career and independence are grounded in standards-based education, individualized work experiences, high expectations and strong connections to adults who care about them, and to mentors who understand the challenges they face. Transition services are best defined as a set of services and supports designed to assist a young person move from the protective environments of home and school to the adult world of work, further education and independent living.
This project focuses on evidence based Career Preparation and Work-Based Learning: Career preparation and work-based learning experiences are essential to form and develop aspirations and to make informed choices about competitive integrated employment (including micro enterprises) and lifelong learning. These educational experiences must be provided, to students with developmental disabilities ages 16-22, earning a special diploma on alternate achievement standards, in an individualized manner in inclusive school settings and/or inclusive after-school or summer programs that may require collaboration with other organizations and/or community resources. School districts or individual high school may apply for this grant and must submit a plan to achieve one or more of following all in inclusive settings: (1) Evidenced-Based Career & Work Based Learning Experiences (e.g.: job shadowing, internships, mentoring programs, school-based enterprises, career focused, school sponsored extracurricular clubs and/or activities available to students without disabilities such as FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America.), post-secondary education & lifelong learning opportunities.) (2) Discovery Individual Vocational Profile & Career Portfolios; (3) Community Partnerships (selected high schools will develop partnerships and cooperative agreements with local workforce boards, local businesses, local government agencies, community service agencies, and corporations) to provide access and supports to individualized career exploration and work experience opportunities for students with developmental disabilities.
School districts or individual schools may submit proposal in response to this RFP. The approximate amount of funds available for project awarded based on this RFP will be up to $100,000. The exact amount of this contract will be developed during contract negotiations.
Copies of this RFP will be available from the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council,