Florida Housing Finance Corporation, Departmental  



    Request for Propsals 2013-08 for Special Needs High Priority Affordable Housing Developments

    Florida Housing Finance Corporation is authorized by Section 420.507(48), F.S., to use up to 10 percent of its annual allocation of low-income housing tax credits to allocate by competitive solicitation for high-priority affordable housing developments, such as housing for veterans and their families, and other special needs populations in communities throughout the state. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to help the Corporation discover Best Practices in and newer innovative approaches to providing housing and supportive services for Persons with Special Needs, including Veterans.

    This RFP is open to Applicants proposing the development of affordable, rental Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Special Needs. The Corporation expects to have an estimated $1,720,000 of Competitive Housing Credits, as well as an estimated $5,750,000 of gap loan funding available for award to proposed Developments under this RFP.

    Out of two or more Applications expected to be funded through this RFP, the Corporation has a goal to fund at least one Development proposing to serve Veterans with Special Needs, particularly one which proposes to serve the needs of Veterans with Special Needs, as follows: 1) Veterans with a service-connected Disabling Condition(s) who have been determined eligible and choose to transition from nursing, rehabilitation or domiciliary care facilities within a designated VA Hospital and/or Medical Center development in Florida and who have been determined eligible for, need and choose Permanent Supportive Housing; or 2) Veterans with a Disabling Condition(s) who are in institutions or chronically homeless and have been identified as significant users of public resources including emergency care and shelter, judicial services, and institutions and who have been determined eligible for, need and choose Permanent Supportive Housing.

    To meet the RFP funding goal, eligible Applications proposing to serve Veterans transitioning from nursing, rehabilitation or domiciliary care facilities within a designated VA Hospital and/or Medical Center will have preference.

    Proposals shall be accepted until 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on Friday, May 24, 2013, to the attention of Kevin Tatreau, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. For questions or additional information, please contact Kevin Tatreau at kevin.tatreau@floridahousing.org.

    The Request for Proposals, which outlines selection criteria and Applicant’s responsibilities, can be downloaded from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation web site at http://apps.floridahousing.org/StandAlone/FHFC_ECM/ContentPage.aspx?PAGE=0394.

    Any modifications that occur to the Request for Proposals will be posted at the web site and may result in an extension of the deadline. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to check the website for any modifications prior to the deadline date.


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