Regional Transportation Authorities, South Florida Regional Transportation Authority  

  • South Florida Regional Transportation Authority

    CALL FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS TO HELP THE DISADVANTAGED – Federal Transit Administration Program Funds Now Available

    The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, in partnership with the Metropolitan Planning Organization in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, is announcing a call for projects in the Miami Urbanized Area for Job Access & Reverse Commute and New Freedom program funds for fiscal year 2007. These Federal Transit Administration program funds are available for projects that improve transportation for individuals with low incomes, recipients of welfare and/or persons with disabilities.

    The amounts of funds available for fiscal year 2007 include $2,950,084 for JARC projects and $1,677,667 for New Freedom projects. Funds can be used for capital, operating and administrative expenses. Eligible applicants include private, non-profit organizations; state or local governmental authorities and operators of public transportation services, including private, for-profit operators of public transportation services. The solicitation will be limited to projects that have been derived from an adopted Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan.

    The funds can be used to support up to 80 percent (an 80/20 match) for capital projects and not more than 50 percent (a 50/50 match) of project costs for operating assistance.

    The application form, as well as details concerning specific eligibility requirements, local share requirements and allowable activities, can be found in the Miami Urbanized Area JARC and New Freedom Application Package, available online the week of April 13, 2009 at website:

    The application deadline is May 8, 2009, 12:00 Noon. Applications must be received by this time to be eligible for consideration. Applications found to be incomplete or received after 12:00 Noon, May 8, 2009, will not be considered for funding. Completed applications must be submitted to the SFRTA, 800 N. W. 33rd Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33064.

    For additional information, or to request the application in another format, please contact: SFRTA, Grants Administrator, Carla McKeever at (954)788-7953 or

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