Other Agencies and Organizations, Neighborhood Medical Center  



    Neighborhood Medical Center

    Neighborhood Medical Center RFQ


    Design/Build Selection

    Renovations to 2613 S. Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL

    For Neighborhood Medical Center (No. 03-2019)


    The project will renovate approximately 8,000 SF of existing space in the existing former Hancock Bank building located at 2613 South Monroe, Tallahassee, Florida. It is envisioned that the renovated facility will create spaces to accommodate medical and dental exam rooms, a laboratory, pharmacy, administrative offices, lobby, reception areas, storage, and break/conference rooms.  Additional building envelope/facade work, mechanical work, civil engineering and landscape design may also be necessary. All project design work including exterior site and building envelope work, interior architectural design, and MEP and voice/data is to be included. All aspects of this renovation will be ADA compliant. Basic demolition work is expected to begin by May 10, 2019. Design work is expected to be completed by August 15, 2019.


    Selection will be made based on design/build qualifications, including experience and design ability; successful completion of similar/related projects; and qualifications of the proposed firm’s personnel and staff consultants.


    The anticipated schedule for selection, award and negotiation is as follows:

    Submissions Due:  5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 19, 2019

    Selection Decision: no later than Friday, April 26, 2019 Negotiation/Contract: no later than Friday, May 3, 2019

    All Respondents will be notified in writing of the Selection Committee’s final decision.


    Response shall be typed, number each page consecutively, including letter of interest, licenses, resumes, supplemental information, etc.  Submittals must be limited to 40 pages.  Covers, table of contents and divider tabs will not count as pages, provided no additional information is included on those pages.  Provide FIVE bound copies (plus one electronic copy on USB) of the submittal.  Any submittals exceeding the 40-page limit will be disqualified.  Do not list more than the required five projects. 

    Project TeamRegistration/Lic. #


    Architecture: _

    Mechanical Engineering:                                                                                                     Electrical Engineering:                                                                                                   

    Civil Engineering:                                                                                                                Structural Engineering:                                                                                                   

    1.                   APPLICANT'S PERSONNEL:

    a.            List total number of applicant's personnel, for the applicant office location, by skill group (e.g. project managers, estimators, project engineers, superintendents, registered architects/engineers, technical staff, drafters, etc.)

    b.           Provide resumes for each individual listed in section 1.a above.

    c.            Provide a reproduction of the current Florida Contractor’s license and the current Florida Architect’s license for the applicant Design/Build Team.

    2.                   EXPERIENCE/REFERENCES:

    a.            List the five projects for which the applicant has provided/is providing design/build services which are most related to this project. In determining which projects are most related, consider: related size and complexity; how many members of the proposed team worked on the listed project; how recently the project was completed. List the projects in priority order, with the most related project listed first.  Two of these projects must have been completed by the proposed design/build team as Architect/Contractor on those singular projects.


    b.           For each of the listed projects, provide the following information: construction cost (original contract cost and final construction cost), current phase of development, estimated (or past) completion date, type of construction services provided (design/build, CM at risk with GMP, CM-agency, general contractor-low bid, negotiated general contract, subcontractor to prime), Owner's contact person and telephone number.

    3.                   SUBMISSION OF RFQ:

    Responses should be addressed as follows, and may be submitted in a sealed envelope at the front desk of the location below:

    Jeanne’ Freeman, MSP, MSW, Chief Executive Officer, Neighborhood Medical Center, Inc., 872 West Orange Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32310

    Sealed envelope should be clearly marked in the lower left-hand corner as follows:

    Request for Qualifications No: 03-2019 for Design/Build Services

    See INSTRUCTIONS for additional information.

    Late submissions will not be considered.

    For additional information, contact: Jeanne’ Freeman, MSP, MSW, Chief Executive Officer, Neighborhood Medical Center, Inc., (850)577-1558, JFreeman@NeighborhoodMedicalCenter.org.

Document Information