To provide school districts reporting instructions for materials that were subject to an objection by a parent or resident of a school district so that the Department of Education can publish an annual objection report, ....  

Document Information

Comments Open:
This new rule is designed, in part, to implement House Bill 1467 (Chapter 2022-21, Laws of Florida) regarding district reporting instructions for instructional materials and library media materials that were subject to an objection.
To provide school districts reporting instructions for materials that were subject to an objection by a parent or resident of a school district so that the Department of Education can publish an annual objection report, identifying materials removed or discontinued as a result of an objection.
Rulemaking Authority:
1001.02(1), (2)(n), and 1006.28, F.S.
1006.28, F.S.
Related Rules: (1)
6A-7.0714. Library and Instructional Materials Objection Report