Agency for Health Care Administration, Certificate of Need  


    County: Sarasota                        Service District: 8-6

    CON#: 10073       Decision Date: 3/16/2010          Decision: A

    Facility/Project: Glenridge on Palmer Ranch, Inc.

    Applicant: The Glenridge on Palmer Ranch, Inc.

    Project Description: Transfer 20 community nursing home beds from Sarasota Manatee Jewish Housing Council, Inc. combined CONs 10031 & 10047.

    Approved Cost: $3,746,389.00

    A request for administrative hearing, if any, must be made in writing and must be actually received by this department within 21 days of the first day of publication of this notice in the Florida Administrative weekly pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes and Chapter 59C-1, Florida Administrative Code.

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