11B-35.0024: Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses and Instructor Training Courses Requiring Proficiency Demonstration
Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses and Instructor Training Courses Requiring Proficiency Demonstration
- NOTICE OF CORRECTIONNotice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 36 No. 12, March 26, 2010 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
This is to advise that the rule number for Rule 11B-35.0024, F.A.C., was inadvertently left off the list of rule sections on the Bureau of Administrative Codes electronic form when filing the proposed rule; however, the text for Rule 11B-35.0024, F.A.C. was filed and the only revision was the date Form CJSTC-4 CMS was revised. The CMS Firearms Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-4 CMS was revised to delete the requirement to shoot with a rifle or carbine in the 4 and 5 zone of the B-29 reduced police silhouette target.