Scope, Definitions, Permit Criteria for Construction, Consultations, Permit Application Requirements and Procedures, Electronic Submittal, Public Comment and Noticing Requirements, Survey Requirements, Financial Assurances, Duration of Permits, ...  

  • Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems
    62B-56.010: Scope
    62B-56.020: Definitions
    62B-56.030: Permit Criteria for Construction
    62B-56.040: Consultations
    62B-56.050: Permit Application Requirements and Procedures
    62B-56.060: Electronic Submittal
    62B-56.070: Public Comment and Noticing Requirements
    62B-56.080: Survey Requirements
    62B-56.090: Financial Assurances
    62B-56.100: Duration of Permits
    62B-56.110: Permit Modifications
    62B-56.120: Permit Transfers
    62B-56.130: Permit and Maintenance Fees
    62B-56.140: Conversion and Maintenance
    62B-56.150: General Permit Conditions
    62B-56.160: Revocations, Suspensions and Removal
    62B-56.900: Forms



    The Department of Environmental Protection announces the availability of the Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC) prepared for the rulemaking for Chapter 62B-56, F.A.C. The Notice of Proposed Rule for this chapter was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly on April 25, 2008, and the adoption hearing was held on May 28, 2008. A Notice of Change for the proposed rule was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly on April 17, 2009. The summary of the SERC is as follows: The proposed Chapter 62B-56, F.A.C., will affect beachfront property owners who choose to apply for coastal armoring in the form of a geotextile container as the core of a reconstructed dune. The permit application fee will be $5,000 ($1,500 of which is associated with the maintenance phase of the permit and will be refunded if the permit is denied). A number of costs to the applicant are associated with the project, and vary based on location, size, and other factors. Additional costs include those associated with installation of the geotextile container as the core of a reconstructed dune, and ongoing maintenance of the project. In addition, the applicant is required to provide financial assurance in an amount that would cover costs incurred by the removal of the structure and restoration of the dune if the project failed to meet the permit requirements. The Department reviewed permit applications for similar projects since 2002, and based on the fact that no small businesses or counties have applied during that time, the Department estimates that the impact on small businesses and counties would be minimal.

    To obtain a copy of the SERC, contact: Rosaline Beckham, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, MS 300, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, (850)488-7815 or email: