Other Agencies and Organizations, Florida Developmental Disabilities Council  

  • Next Chapter Book Club Implementation

    Competitive Application Announcement

    Next Chapter Book Club Implementation

    The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. (FDDC) is seeking to find at least two (2) separate, Florida-based groups or organizations to participate as a pilot site for the Next Chapter Book Club program. This competitive application process is being published to develop authentic opportunities for individuals with disabilities to participate in their communities through local book clubs. The primary objective of the selected applicants will be to develop and initiate two (2) to three (3) local book clubs in their communities based on the national model developed by The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. Each local pilot site will receive training and technical assistance from The Nisonger Center staff to assist with implementation of the model program.

    Not-for-profit agencies/businesses, for-profit agencies/ businesses, and governmental entities may submit applications in response to this competitive solicitation. FDDC has set aside federal funds for a period not to exceed one (1) year for fiscal support of this initiative. It is anticipated that at least two (2) proposals will be selected for funding. The exact amount of the contracts awarded will be developed during contract negotiations. The anticipated award for this project is expected to range from $25,000 to $40,000 per selected proposal.

    Copies of this application may be downloaded from the FDDC website (www.fddc.org) or requested by writing: FDDC, 124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL 32301, or by calling the toll-free number 1(800)580-7801 or TDD Toll Free 1(888)488-8633. The deadline for submitting written questions and letters of intent for this application process is May 1, 2009 by 4:00 p.m. (EDT). Letters of intent are encouraged, but not mandatory. Letters of intent sent via email will not be accepted. All answers to the submitted written questions will be posted on the FDDC website (www.fddc.org) during the week of May 5, 2009. The deadline for submitting applications to the FDDC is May 15, 2009 by 2:00 p.m. (EDT).

    Please forward all requests for copies of this application to Misty Grimm. Questions are to be submitted in written format only. this is a legal process and we cannot answer questions verbally.

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