Enterprise Florida, Inc. - Military and Defense
To conduct an Economic Impact analysis of Florida’s Military and Defense industry. Provide an enhanced statewide picture of the economic impact of all active military installations and defense industry in Florida including the Florida National Guard and the United States Coast Guard.
Develop State, Regional and Local Impact Assessment.
Overall analysis used to calculate the total economic impact by installation, economic sector and geographical area must contain:
- Total payroll (Military and Civilian, National Guard and Coast Guard, by salary level).
- Non-payroll local expenditures (e.g. materials, supplies) by type.
- Total value of all Military, National Guard and Coast Guard contracts (by type of contract).
- Estimated inflows to Defense, National Guard and Coast Guard contractors (domestic and international).
- Value of retiree spending (from Military, Coast Guard and National Guard).
- Value of student trainee payrolls and spending.
- Value of Military Reserve spending flows.
- Value of Military educational and medical spending.
- Estimated value of Military and Defense spending due to technology transfers.
The full request for proposal will be available Friday, April 3, 2015 at: http://www.enterpriseflorida.com.
Proposal submission date is no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT, Friday, April 24, 2015.
For more information, contact Camila Hornung, Grants Coordinator for the Florida Defense Support Task Force, Enterprise Florida, Inc. at (850)878-4578 or via email at chornung@eflorida.com.