Scope and Intent, Definitions, General Requirements, Prohibitions and Restrictions, Eligibility for Registration of Credits, Waters and Pollutants Subject to Trading, Credit Generation and Validation, Use of Credits and Credit Tracking, Compliance ...  

    62-306.100: Scope and Intent
    62-306.200: Definitions
    62-306.300: General Requirements
    62-306.310: Prohibitions and Restrictions
    62-306.320: Eligibility for Registration of Credits
    62-306.400: Waters and Pollutants Subject to Trading
    62-306.500: Credit Generation and Validation
    62-306.600: Use of Credits and Credit Tracking
    62-306.700: Compliance with Trade Provisions
    62-306.800: Program Evaluation
    62-306.900: Forms
    Notice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 36 No. 14, April 9, 2010 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    In both the chapter index and the proposed text, Rules 62-306.500 and 62-306.600 were incorrectly identified as 62-305.500 and 62-305.600, respectively. The rules are correctly identified as Rules 62-306.500 and 62-306.600. These corrections do not affect the substance of the rules as they appeared in the Florida Administrative Weekly.