Other Agencies and Organizations, Early Learning Coalition of Okaloosa & Walton Counties  

  • Request for Proposals, School Readiness Services

    Requests for Proposals

    School Readiness Services


    The School Readiness Coalition of Okaloosa and Walton Counties, Inc., Dba Early Learning Coalition of Okaloosa and Walton Counties announces the following Requests for Proposals (RFP) to which all persons are invited to bid.


    1.         The Early Learning Coalition is soliciting competitive sealed proposals to contract with an organization(s) or agency(s) to provide School Readiness Services in Okaloosa County and Walton County, Florida for the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year.  The set of services will be funded through federal, state and local allocations.  School Readiness Legislation requires specific services be delivered in the Coalition’s service area including Eligibility/Enrollment, Provider Payments, Parent and Child Services, Provider Recruitment and Development, Procurement of Local Match, Monitoring and Assistance, Curriculum Support, and Early Childhood Assessment Programs.  Additional services may be included in the RFP.


    2.         The Early Learning Coalition is soliciting competitive sealed proposals to contract with an organization(s) or agency(s) to provide Quality Services in Okaloosa County and Walton County, Florida for the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year.  The set of services will be funded through federal, state and local allocations.


    The Request for Proposal will be available for distribution on or about March 30, 2007. The deadline for Letter of Intent to Bid is April 16, 2007. A Bidder’s Conference will be held April 9, 2007 for school readiness and/or quality services. The deadline for receipt of proposals is noon (local time) on May 7, 2007. Successful bidder’s contract begins July 1, 2007, pending evaluations of bids and proposal selection. Write for or pick-up a copy of either RFP at the following address:


    Gloria W. Mayo, Executive Director,

    Early Learning Coalition of Okaloosa and Walton Counties

    2018 Lewis Turner Blvd., Suite C

    Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

    Phone: (850) 833-3627, Fax: (850) 833-3632

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