Division of Emergency ManagementRULE NOS.:RULE TITLES:
27P-19.004Base Grant Eligibility
27P-19.006Reallocation of Base Grant Funds
27P-19.010DisbursementNOTICE OF CORRECTION
Notice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 39, No. 64, April 2, 2013 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
The Division has determined that no legislative ratification is necessary based on the following:
- The rules are being amended to change the current reference of “Board of County Commissioners” (BOCC) to “governing body of the jurisdiction” to account for counties that do not have a BOCC. The proposed changes also align the rule with statutory language. The proposed rules do not impose any regulatory costs, nor are any costs anticipated in complying with the proposed changes to the rule.