The Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority requires the services of a Professional Engineering Consultant in connection with the design of S.R. 528 (Beachline Expressway) Airport Plaza Conversion to Express Lanes, identified as Project 528-405, in Orange County, Florida. Shortlist consideration will be given to only those firms who are qualified pursuant to law, and as determined by the Authority, based on information provided by the firms, and who have been pre-qualified by FDOT to perform the indicated Types of Work.
MAJOR TYPES OF WORK: Group 3.2, Major Highway Design; Group 3.3, Controlled Access Highway Design; Group 4.2.1, Major Bridge Design Concrete; Group 4.2.2, Major Bridge Design Steel; Group 14, Architecture.
ADDITIONAL TYPES OF WORK REQUIRED: The consultant shall also be prequalified, on its own or through Authority-approved subconsultants, in the following work types: Group 6.3, Intelligent Transportation Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation; Group 7, Traffic Operations Design; Group 8, Surveying and Mapping and Group 9, Soil Exploration, Material Testing, and Foundations.
DESCRIPTION: The services to be provided under the contract will include final geometric and toll plaza design for the widening of S.R. 528 to accommodate replacement of the existing Airport Mainline Plaza with a new split-plaza configuration equipped with express lanes. Additional elements include: surveying, right-of-way mapping, drainage evaluation and design, permitting, lighting, signalization, signing and pavement markings, maintenance of traffic, utility design and coordination, geotechnical analysis, scheduling and project control, progress reporting and other tasks and associated activities. Concept information for the project can be viewed at
The selected consultant and its subconsultants, if any, shall not enter into any other contract with the Authority during the term of the Contract which would create or involve a conflict of interest with the services to be provided.
LETTERS OF INTEREST SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Consultants wishing to be considered shall submit six (6) sets of a Letter of Interest package and one (1) digital copy of the entire package in pdf format. The letter shall be a maximum of five (5) pages exclusive of attachments and resumes. The packages shall include the following:
1. Firms Experience Details of specific experience for at least three (3) projects, similar to those described above completed by the consultants Project Manager and other key project team members including the name of client contact person, telephone number, and physical address.
2. Personnel Experience Resumes of the consultants proposed Project Manager and other key personnel presently employed by the consultant who will be assigned to the project. The Project Manager shall have at least five (5) years of experience administering similar types of consultant contracts.
3. Project Team Anticipated subconsultants shall be identified and the roles that each will play in providing the required services. Resumes should be provided for subconsultants that may be involved in key roles.
4. Prequalification Documentation A copy of the Notice of Qualification issued by the FDOT showing current qualification in the Types of Work specified above.
5. Office Location The office assigned responsibility and its physical address shall be identified. It is required that the consultant have an office and key staff located within the Orlando area.
Failure to submit any of the above required information may be cause for rejection of the package as non-responsive.
SELECTION/NEGOTIATIONS: The Authoritys Evaluation Committee will shortlist a minimum of three (3) firms based on its evaluation and scoring of the Letters of Interest and qualifications information received. Scoring of the submittals will be as follows: Firms Experience 25 points; Personnel Experience 30 points; Project Team 25 points; Prequalification Documentation 10 points; Office Location 10 points. At a minimum, the three (3) firms with the highest point totals will be shortlisted.
Shortlisted firms will proceed to the next step in the process which includes preparation and submittal of a Technical Proposal and an oral presentation. The Authority will provide the shortlisted firms with a Scope of Services for use in preparing the Technical Proposal. Each firm will be evaluated and ranked by the Authoritys Evaluation Committee based on the Technical Proposal and oral presentation. As part of its evaluation process, the Committee will also consider the consultants willingness to meet time requirements, consultants projected workload, and consultants use of Minority/Women Owned Businesses.
CODE OF ETHICS: All consultants selected to work with the Authority are required to comply with the Authoritys Code of Ethics, a copy of which may be viewed on the Authoritys web site at
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT: The Orlando- Orange County Expressway Authority, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, hereby notifies all firms and individuals that it will require affirmative efforts be made to ensure participation by minorities.