Division of Historical Resources
Florida Main Street
Pre-Application Meeting
What: Webinar
When: May 23, 2013
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Where: Online, Tallahassee, Florida
Details: The Florida Main Street Program will host a Pre-Application webinar for future Main Street Community prospects. The purpose of the webinar is to learn more about the Main Street Program and the application process for designation. The webinar will include instruction on completing the application, and we will take questions over the phone and on an instant message board during the webinar. This webinar will be for you, our future Main Street prospect, to ask us any questions you have concerning the Florida Main Street application.
How to Participate: This webinar will require each participant to have a computer with internet access and a phone. Login to the webinar will be through suncom.webex.com and the meeting number is 315641361. If you do not have access to a computer, you may access the teleconference only portion by phone at (888)670-3525. After dialing the teleconference number, you will be prompted to enter the passcode 8043364517#. If you are attending by webinar, please go to the website first, and follow the prompts for entering your phone number.