Department of Education, University of Florida  



    University of Florida

    University of Florida Housing Master Plan

    The University of Florida Board of Trustees announces that Professional Services in the discipline of master planning for campus housing will be required for the project:

    PL-00013, Housing Master Plan (Gainesville)

    The University of Florida Department of Housing and Residence Education (HRE) requires a fully developed Housing Master Plan to include guiding principles, demand/market analysis, facilities assessment and a financial plan.  Interviews, presentations, research, consultation, discussion, and other methods may be used to inform recommendations and/or present results. The Housing Master Plan shall be developed in context with the University of Florida’s Campus Master Plan and Strategic Development Plan.

    HRE is a comprehensive housing operation. Units include maintenance services, building services, financial services, residence life and education, operations, human resources, off campus life, and office for youth conference services. HRE works closely with the Division of Student Affairs marketing and communications, information technology, assessment, and business practices.

    HRE facilities management oversees all maintenance and building services for 168 buildings and nearly 3.2M square feet of space. This includes specialty shops (locksmith, HVAC, electrical, furniture and cable), pest control, and project management. HRE possesses years of data regarding maintenance work order and facility assessments that can be provided to the successful firm. HRE staff will be made available for interviews and facility access.  Office space will be provided to the consulting firm for their work while on campus.

    The selected firm will provide a final report and documented data analysis for the referenced project.  Plans and specifications for University of Florida projects are subject to reuse in accordance with the provisions of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes. The selected applicant will be required to provide insurance coverage for General Liability, Automotive Liability, and Workers’ Compensation.

    Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their past performance, experience, personnel, design ability, references, workload, and responses to questions posed both in the shortlist and interview phases.  The Selection Committee may reject all proposals and stop the selection process at any time.

    Prior to execution of any agreements between applicant and University relating to the project, the applicant (if an architecture or engineering firm) and its consulting architectural and engineering firms must possess current licenses from the appropriate governing board and be properly registered to practice its profession in the State of Florida. Also prior to execution of any agreements between applicant and University relating to the project, the applicant entity must be authorized by the Florida Department of State to transact business in Florida.

    Applicants desiring to provide professional services for the project shall submit a proposal only after thoroughly reviewing the facilities program, Project Fact Sheet, and other background information. The proposal shall be prepared as specified in the PQS Instructions and shall include:

    1. A Letter of Application that concisely illustrates the applicant’s understanding of the scope of services, design intent, schedule, and other goals and considerations as outlined in the Project Fact Sheet.

    2. A completed, project-specific Professional Qualifications Supplement” (PQS) proposal with signed certification.  Applications on any other form will not be considered.

    3. Resumes and other pertinent credentials for all proposed staff (applicant and consultants).

    4. Proof of the applicant entity’s corporate status in Florida, or an affirmative statement that it will be authorized to transact business in the State of Florida prior to execution of any agreements between applicant and University relating to the project.

    5. Copies of current licenses for applicant firm (if architect or engineer) and all consulting engineering and architecture firms from the appropriate governing board, or an affirmative statement that the applicant firm and consultant firms will be licensed in the State of Florida, as required for architectural and engineering firms, prior to execution of any agreements between applicant and University relating to the project.

    As required by Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, an applicant may not submit a proposal for this project if it is on the convicted vendor list for a public entity crime committed within the past 36 months. The selected professional must warrant that it will neither utilize the services of, nor contract with, any supplier, subcontractor, or consultant in excess of $15,000.00 in connection with this project for a period of 36 months from the date of their being placed on the convicted vendor list.

    Incomplete proposals will be disqualified.  Submittal materials will not be returned.

    Additional information to assist the applicant in preparing a complete proposal – including the project-specific PQS forms, instructions, Project Fact Sheet, UF Design and Commissioning Services Guide, UF Design and Construction Standards, standard University of Florida Owner-Professional agreement, and other project and process information – can be found on the Planning Design & Construction website

    Finalists may be provided with supplemental interview requirements and criteria as needed.

    Provide the number of copies prescribed in the Project Fact Sheet. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at Corry Commons Gathering Room, Building #0287,620 Village Drive, Gainesville, Florida on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Submittals must be received in the Planning Design & Construction office by 3:00 p.m. local time, on Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Facsimile (FAX) submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered.

    UF Planning Design & Construction, 245 Gale Lemerand Drive / P.O. Box 115050, Gainesville, FL 32611-5050, Telephone: (352)273-4000, Internet:

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