Department of Economic Opportunity, Departmental  



    2017 CDBG-Disaster Recovery Program Request for Eligible Projects

    State of Florida 2017 Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program

    The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated $58,602,000, under the Disaster Relief Appropriation Act (Public Laws 114-223 and 114-254), to the state for recovery in the FEMA-declared counties impacted by Disaster Declaration 4280 (Hurricane Hermine) and Declaration 4283 (Hurricane Matthew). The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) is the lead agency and responsible entity for administering Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. DEO is requesting that local governments with a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Individual Assistance (IA) disaster declaration for Hurricanes Hermine and Matthew submit a preliminary list of eligible projects to address unmet housing needs. While local governments are not required to submit preliminary projects, this information will help the state determine which counties have remaining significant unmet housing needs and may be used to support a request to redistribute the HUD determined Most Impacted and Distressed allocation detailed in Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 11,

    These funds are to be used to address unmet housing needs, or infrastructure in support of housing needs that still remain after other federal assistance such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Small Business Administration (SBA), or private insurance has been allocated. This preliminary data request will not supplant the application process and submission of preliminary estimates does not guarantee that projects will be funded.

    Generally, eligible projects should:

    • Demonstrate tie-back to the hurricane event (Hermine or Matthew).
    • Primarily address unmet housing needs or clearly support low- and moderate-income (LMI) person’s housing needs.
    • Primarily serve LMI populations. At least 70 percent of the entire CDBG-DR grant award must be used for activities that benefit low- and moderate- income persons. Federal Register/Vol. 81, No. 224:
    • Meet a National Objective of the CDBG program:
    • Not duplicate benefit. This means that projects cannot receive assistance from multiple sources for the same purpose and that total assistance cannot be greater than the need for that type of assistance.

    Please submit eligible projects, using the table format detailed at to the Department of Economic Opportunity at by close of business, Friday, June 2, 2017. DEO staff is available to provide technical assistance or answer questions concerning this request. For questions or assistance please contact Adriane Burgess at (850)717-8444 or Robin Grantham at (850)717-8426.

    For questions or assistance contact Robin Grantham at the number below:

    Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

    Bureau of Rural Communities and Small Cities

    The Caldwell Building

    107 E. Madison Street, MSC-400

    Tallahassee, Florida 32399

    Telephone: (850)717-8426


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