Invitation to Bid
ITB 11-28
UNF Building 12 Restroom Renovation
The University of North Florida Board of Trustees, a public body corporate, announces the need for the renovation of the restrooms located in Building 12 at the University of North Florida, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224
This project involves the interior renovation of the existing restrooms on the east side for each of the four (4) levels (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors) of Building 12. The scope of work requires demolition of existing restrooms to include concrete slab (1st floor only), ceilings, wall and ceramic tile to existing studs and ceramic floor tile to existing slab, toilet partitions, plumbing fixtures finishes, plumbing and electrical systems. New work includes new concrete slab (1st floor only), new walls, ceilings, doors and hardware, finishes including new wall and floor ceramic tile, toilet partitions, toilet accessories, toilet fixtures, electrical, plumbing and fire protection work.
Successful contractors must have demonstrable previous experience with the described systems and technical requirements. All bidders must be qualified to perform the work as specified at the time of bid opening in accordance with the ITB 11-28 Bid documents. No submittal material will be returned.
The preliminary schedule for this ITB:
Advertisement / Website Posting May 20, 2011
Mandatory Pre-Bid May 31, 2011 2:00 p.m.
Deadline for Questions June 7, 2011
Response to Questions June 14, 2011
Bids Due June 21, 2011 2:00 p.m.
Minority business participation is strongly recommended and supported by the University of North Florida.
The University requires a Bid Bond of five percent (5%) of the bid amount and a Performance Bond for 100% of the amount of the bid. The bid bond is required with the submitted bid.
As required by Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a contractor may not submit a proposal for this project if it is on the convicted vendor list for a public entity crime committed within the past 36 months. The selected contractor must warrant that it will neither utilize the services of, nor contract with, any supplier, subcontractor, or consultant in excess of $15,000.00 in connection with this project for a period of 36 months from the date of their being placed on the convicted vendor list.
Contractor shall have established equal opportunity practices which conform to all laws against discrimination and prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, marital status or religion; neither contractor nor any subcontractor or other person, firm or business entity with whom it would be engaged in a combined effort to perform the services has hired any person who is an officer or employee of UNF.
BID DOCUMENTS: Full sets of Bidding Documents and descriptive project information, may be obtained electronically online at the UNF Purchasing department website: or by emailing:
Evelyn Jenkins Burton AND Angela Dyal University of North Florida
(904)620-1732 Purchasing Dept. Bldg 53, Rm 2950 (904)620-1733
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Submit THREE (3) complete copies of bids in full and in accordance with the requirements of the drawings and Project Manual to the above referenced UNF address. Bids must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. June 21, 2011. Facsimile (FAX) or e-mail submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered.