Other Agencies and Organizations, MERIDIAN ENGINEERING, LLC  






    is soliciting formal competitive bids from certified or registered contractors licensed to work in the jurisdiction for the project listed below:

    PROJECT NAME: Galleon Resort Marina Sewer Project

    SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor will provide all equipment, materials, supplies, and labor necessary to construct the complete sewer pumpout system, and all other features specified in the plan sets, in accordance with the specifications contained in this document and any related documents including the plan set; technical specifications; general and special conditions; Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permits; local, State, and Federal laws, rules, and guidelines; and, generally accepted construction practices. In addition, the Contractor will provide all equipment, materials, supplies, and labor following the conclusion of construction activities needed to repair erosion or damage due to construction activities on the project site and surrounding properties. This project includes the following work:

    Construction of a new sanitary sewer pumpout system at an existing 90 boat slip marina, consisting of approximately 716 LF of 2” HDPE SDR-11 vacuum pipe, 501 LF of 3” HDPE SDR-11 vacuum pipe, 404 LF of 3” HDPE SDR-11 force main, 10 LF of 3” flexible transition pipe, 25 LF of PVC pipe (3”, 4”, 6”), one 4” backflow preventer valve, 3 isolation valves, one duplex peristaltic pump station, 19 pumpout access nozzles, and 3 pumpout stanchion pedestals.

    PROJECT LOCATION: The Galleon Resort Marina is located at 619 Front Street, in Section 31, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, in Key West, FL, Monroe County. The marina is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico to the North, Conch Harbor Marina to the East, A&B Marina to the south, and the Galleon Resort to the west.

    PREQUALIFICATION: Per Chapter 60D-5 of the Florida Administrative Code, (F.A.C.), when the total Bid including alternates exceeds $200,000, each Bidder whose field is governed by Chapter 399, 455, 489, or 633 Florida Statutes, for licensure or certification, must submit prequalification data of their eligibility to submit bids 240 hours (10 days) prior to the Bid Opening date. If clarification or additional information is required, Bidder shall submit such information by 120 hours (5 days) prior to Bid Opening. Material submitted after those deadlines shall disqualify the Bidder. Prequalification requirements are outlined in Chapter 60D-5.004 F.A.C., Bidder’s Qualification Requirements and Procedures.

    BID BOND: If the Base Bid or the Base Bid plus the sum of any alternates exceed $100,000, the bidder shall enclose a certified check, cashiers check, treasurer's check, bank draft or Bid Bond in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the Bid, payable to the Owner as a guarantee for the purpose set out in Instructions to Bidders. (Failure to submit a bid bond will result in disqualification)

    INSTRUCTIONS: Any firm desiring plans for this project may obtain a copy at the following location: Meridian Engineering, LLC, 201 Front St., Suite 209, Key West, FL 33040. Any questions should be directed to Rick Milelli, P.E., (305)293-3263.

    PRE-BID MEETING/SITE VISIT: A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit will be held on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. (EDT) at the project site docks, 619 Front St., Key West, FL.

    BID SUBMITTAL DUE DATE: Sealed bids must be delivered no later than 3:00 p.m. (EDT), Friday, June 20, 2014 to the following address: Meridian Engineering, LLC, 201 Front St., Suite 209, Key West, FL 33040; attn.: Rick Milelli; (305)293-3263. It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder to clearly mark bid as such, and ensure that his bid reaches the destination stated above prior to the bid opening date and time listed.

    BID OPENING DATE: Sealed bids received by the date and time above will be opened in a public forum immediately after the Bid Submittal deadline listed above.

    BID AWARD POSTING DATE: On or after 8:30 a.m. (EDT), Tuesday, June 24, 2014 unless extended for good cause.

    This project is funded in part by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program.

Document Information