Notice of Election to be Exempt  

    69L-6.012: Notice of Election to be Exempt
    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 35 No. 37, September 18, 2009 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    69L-6.012 Notice of Election to be Exempt.

    (1) through (14) No change.

    (15)(a) If a corporation that is engaged in the non-construction industry and named on a Certificate of Election to be Exempt becomes dissolved or inactive, the Certificate(s) of Election to be Exempt shall be revoked, as provided in Section 440.05, F.S. In addition, if at any time the person named on a Certificate of Election to be Exempt for a corporation engaged in the non-construction industry no longer meets the requirements for issuance of the certificate, such Certificate of Election to be Exempt shall be revoked, as provided in Section 440.05, F.S. If a Certificate of Election to be Exempt is revoked pursuant to Section 440.05, F.S., the revocation date is the date that the corporation becomes dissolved or inactive or the date the Department determines the person named on the Certificate of Election to be Exempt no longer meets the requirements for issuance of the certificate. Dissolution of the corporation or limited liability company named on the Certificate of Election to be Exempt (DWC 252) or the person named on the Certificate of Election to be Exempt no longer being a corporate officer or member of the corporation or limited liability company listed on the Certificate of Election to be Exempt will result in initiation of proceedings by the Department to revoke the Certificate of Election to be Exempt.

    (b) A corporation that is named on any Certificate of Election to be Exempt that is revoked pursuant to Section 440.05, F.S., shall have 30 days from the date of the revocation within which to petition the Department to review the revocation or in the alternative, file a notice of appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S. and Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure.

    The remainder of the rule reads as previously published.

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Related Rules: (1)
69L-6.012. Notice of Election to be Exempt