Other Agencies and Organizations, Hendry Regional Medical Center



    Hendry Regional Medical Center

    Hendry Regional Medical Center Final Hospital Valuation Findings


    On May 14, 2013, the Hendry County Hospital Authority Board of Trustees (“Board”) conducted a public hearing, in accordance with Section 155.40, Florida Statutes (2012), to determine whether the Hendry County Hospital Authority should continue to own and operate Hendry Regional Medical Center or whether Hendry Regional Medical Center should be operated by a for-profit or not-for-profit entity. Based upon the totality of the information considered by the Board, including a valuation report prepared by Pershing, Yoakley, & Associates, and Quorum Health Resources Consulting Services for Data Metrics to compare the operating costs and measurable quality outcomes between Hendry Regional Medical Center and other similarly situated government, not-for-profit and for-profit hospitals with similar service mixes, comments from the public, the Hendry County Hospital Authority took the following action:

    1. Received, filed and accepted a report prepared by Pershing, Yoakley, and Associates, pursuant to Section 155.40, Florida Statutes (2012), which is now part of the public records of the Hendry County Hospital Authority; and

    2. Determined that it is in the best interest of the affected community for the Hendry County Hospital Authority to continue to own and operate Hendry Regional Medical Center.

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