Division of Community Development
Notice of Funding Availability
73C-23.0061Emergency Set-aside Assistance
The Department of Economic Opportunity announces the availability of $603,250 in Emergency Set-Aside funding for non-entitlement units of local government in Escambia County to address projects related to the April 2014 flooding. The community that is eligible to apply for funding is the Town of Century.
The Emergency Set-Aside funding may be used for any CDBG-eligible activity for which no other funding is available to recover from the effects of the April 2014 flooding. The purpose of the funds is to address serious, urgent community needs that pose a threat to the health, safety and welfare of low- and moderate-income residents. The activities to be funded must be documented as being directly related to the flooding covered in the Governor’s Executive Order 14-144.
Eligible communities that are interested in receiving Emergency Set-Aside funding must provide a Statement of Intent to apply for the funds by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on July 9, 2015. The following information must be included in the Statement of Intent:
1.Name of the local government;
2.Contact name and telephone number;
3.Mailing address;
4.Email address;
5.Proposed project budget, including the total dollar amount being requested;
6.A description of the community needs, the activities that will be undertaken, the proposed service area, and the approximate number of low- and moderate-income persons that will benefit from the project;
8.Cover letter signed by the Chief Elected Official.
The Statement of Intent can be transmitted by regular mail to the Department of Economic Opportunity, Florida Small Cities CDBG Program, 107 East Madison Street, MSC-400, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6508 or by email:
Federal and State regulations apply to Emergency Set-Aside funding, including 24 CFR 570, Subpart I, and Chapter 73C-23, Florida Administrative Code.
If you have questions, please contact Roger Doherty, Small Cities CDBG Planning Manager at (850)717-8417 or