Department of Corrections, Departmental  



    Union CI Primary Switchgear Replacement and Primary Electrical Repairs



    Project #: OX-13

    Project Name & Location: Primary Switchgear Replacement and Primary Electrical Repairs, Union Correctional Institution, 25636 NE SR-16, Raiford, Florida 32083

    PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND: If the construction Contract award amount is $100,000 or less, a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond are not required.

    PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME INFORMATION STATEMENT: A person, or affiliate, who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime, may not submit a Bid on a Contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a Bid on a Contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit Bids on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a Contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Category Two, for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.

    PREQUALIFICATION: Each Bidder, whose field is governed by Chapter 399, 489, and 633 F.S., for licensure or certification, must submit prequalification evidence of their eligibility to submit Bids, as soon as possible. Bidders must receive confirmation of their prequalification five (5) calendar days prior to the bid opening date. If not previously qualified by the Department for the current biennium (September 1 through August 31) of even numbered years, or you are unsure, please contact Mr. Roosevelt Petithomme, at for prequalification instructions. After the bid opening, the low Bidder must qualify in accordance with Rule 60D-5.004, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). A copy of the rule requirements is included in the Instruction to Bidders, under Article B-2 Bidder Qualification Requirements and Procedures.

    Sealed Bids will be received, publicly opened, and read aloud on:

    DATE AND TIME: June 29, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time (ET)

    PLACE: MLD Architects, 211 John Knox Road, Suite 105, Tallahassee, Florida 32303

    Any person with a qualified disability requiring special accommodations at the pre-bid conference, and/or bid opening, shall contact the person listed below at least (5) business days prior to the event. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact this office by using Florida Relay Services by dialing 1(800)955-8771 (TDD).

    PROPOSAL: Bids must be submitted, in full, in accordance with the requirements of the Drawings, Specifications, Bidding Conditions, and Contractual Conditions, which may be examined and obtained from the: MLD Architects, (850)385-9200. Drawings and specifications may be purchased by Electrical Contractors for a non-refundable price of $20 per electronic set from the Architect. Partial sets may not be purchased.

    A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Tuesday June 6, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., ET at the Union Correctional Institution’s Administration Building conference room. A brief walk-through of the work area(s) will be conducted as part of the pre-bid conference. Everyone attending the pre-bid conference must have completed a background screening, have a valid driver’s license, or a valid photo ID, and must sign in and out at the Union Correctional Institution’s Administrative Office. For a background check, interested parties must send an email to Paul Kish at: Paul, at least two (2) business days prior to the date of the site visit, and furnish them with the following information on all attendees: Attendee’s full name, social security number, date of birth, gender, race, driver’s license number, and state of issuance. Persons present as attendees must be the same individuals for whom information was provided and must be approved by the Department prior to the site visit. For security reasons, admittance of any person not previously approved is at the sole discretion of the Warden. Bidders who did not seek prior approval may be denied access.

    NOTE: Any technical questions regarding this Bid, or requests for substitutions, must be submitted in writing, by email, to the address listed below, and must be received no later than June 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Only written questions and answers will be binding. Email:; please put “Union Correctional Institute Bid” in the subject line.

    CONTRACT AWARD: Bid Tabulation and Notice of Award Recommendation will be sent to Bidders by email, return receipt requested. If no protest is filed per Article B-22 of the Instructions to Bidders, "Notice and Protest Procedures," the Contract will be awarded by the Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all Bids.

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