The Agency for Health Care Administration made the following decisions on Certificate of Need applications for the Hospital Facilities and Hospice batching cycle with an application due date of March 4, 2020:
County: Duval District: 4
CON # 10630Decision Date: 05/22/2020 Decision: A
Facility/Project: Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital
Applicant: Genesis Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.
Project Description: Establish a new 60-bed comprehensive medical rehabilitation hospital
County: Orange District: 7B
CON # 10631Decision Date: 05/22/2020 Decision: A
Facility/Project: Cornerstone Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc.
Applicant: Cornerstone Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc.
Project Description: Establish a new 20-bed inpatient hospice facility
County: St. LucieDistrict: 9B
CON # 10632Decision Date: 05/22/2020 Decision: A
Facility/Project: VITAS Healthcare Corporation of Florida
Applicant: VITAS Healthcare Corporation of Florida
Project Description: Establish a new 16-bed inpatient hospice facility
A request for administrative hearing, if any, must be made in writing and must be actually received by this department within 21 days of the first day of publication of this notice in the Florida Administrative Register pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59C-1, Florida Administrative Code.