Public Service Commission, Departmental  



    Notice for Comments on Proposed Changes

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Florida Public Service Commission is soliciting comments on proposed changes to AT&T’s (formerly known as BellSouth) Performance Assessment Plan filed in Docket No. 000121A-TP. Staff requests that any comments on changes to the Plan be filed by June 24, 2009, with the Division of the Commission Clerk and Administrative Services, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399, (an electronic version should also be provided to: Jerry Hallenstein at The comments should specifically address AT&T’s Service Quality Measurement Plan Version 5.00 issued May 15, 2007, and the Self-Effectuating Enforcement Mechanism Administrative Plan Version 5.00 also dated May 15, 2007. All parties are encouraged to electronically submit a redline version of both plans.

    For additional information, please contact: Timisha Brooks, Office of General Counsel at (850)413-6212.


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