Requirements for Programs and Courses Which are Funded Through the Florida Education Finance Program and for Which the Student May Earn Credit Toward High School Graduation  



    State Board of Education

    RULE NO.:              RULE TITLE:

    6A-1.09441              Requirements for Programs and Courses Which are Funded Through the Florida Education Finance Program and for Which the Student May Earn Credit Toward High School Graduation


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 43 No. 62, March 30, 2017 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The 2017-2018 Course Code Directory and Instructional Personnel Assignments is amended as follows:



    • NWRDC Database File Names .................................................................................................................................14
    • Related Resources Documents...................................................................................................................................14
    • Educator Certification Qualifications for Specialized Instructional Personnel.........................................................15
      • Highly Qualified Teachers..........................................................................................................................15
      • Any Field Certification Coverage...............................................................................................................16
      • Dropout Prevention, Teenage Parent, and DJJ Programs............................................................................1615
      • English Speakers of Other Languages.........................................................................................................16
      • Prekindergarten Program Basic Definitions................................................................................................16
      • Requirements for ESE Endorsements.........................................................................................................1716
      • Highly Qualified Requirements for ESE Teachers Teaching Core Content Courses for
        Students with Disabilities.....................................................................................................................17
      • Certification Requirements for Different Scheduling Methods Used for Students

    with Disabilities....................................................................................................................................1817

    • Course Information (page numbers changed accordingly)


    Page 15



    Highly Qualified Teachers

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) places a major emphasis on highly qualified teachers (HQT).  This federal law establishes requirements for determining if a teacher meets the criteria for being reported as “highly qualified” under ESSA.  It is important to note that current Florida Statutes and SBE Rules relating to the classification of teachers reported for Florida purposes as “in-field,” “qualified,” or “out-of-field” are not the same as the federal highly qualified designation requirements.  Thus, a teacher may be considered “in-field” pursuant to the requirements of the CCD, but will not be classified as a HQT in the ESSA reporting.

    Any Field Certification Coverage

    Some courses listed in the CCD display the appropriate certification as “Any Field When Certificate Reflects Bachelor or Higher Degree: or “Any Academic Coverage.”  These coverages may not meet the requirements of ESSA “HQT” and will, therefore, be subject to review and change.


    These requirements will remain in place until full implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


    Dropout Prevention, Teenage Parent, and Department of Juvenile Justice Programs


    To be “in-field” and “highly qualified” when assigned to Dropout Prevention, Teenage Parent, or Department of Juvenile Justice programs, teachers must be certified in the specific core academic areas being taught or use a High, Objective, Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) plan to document HQT in the core academic areas being taught, as authorized by Rule 6A-1.0503, F.A.C. subjects as identified in the CCD.


    Page 17

    Highly Qualified ESE Requirements for Teachers Teaching Core Content Courses for Students with Disabilities


    To meet the personnel qualification requirements of 20 U.S.C.1412(a)(14)(A-E), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Aall K-12 ESE -certified teachers teaching ESE courses in the core academic subjects as described in Section 4 must be highly qualified have the content knowledge and skills to serve students with disabilities.  Therefore, these teachers must be certified in the appropriate core academic subjects areas as noted below. 

    • An ESE-certified teacher teaching students in Grades K-6 enrolled in 7700 (Grades K-5 students) and 7800 (Grade 6 students) series core academic subject courses must be highly qualified certified in elementary education. 
    • An ESE-certified teacher teaching 7800 and 7900 series core academic courses must be highly qualified for either elementary, middle or secondary level content area certification.  The level of instruction is based on the grade level content that is being taught, not the reading or mathematics performance level of the student. certified in the content area of the course number assigned.
    • An ESE-certified teacher of 7800 or 7900 series core academic courses may use the Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (MGIC) subject area test to meet HQT certification requirements when the content of the ESE course is applicable to MGIC.  The use of MGIC certification for infield purposes is governed by the grandfathering provision of the Department’s May 13, 2011, memorandum.

    A newly hired middle (Grades 7 and 8)/secondary special education content teacher, if highly qualified in language arts, mathematics, or science at the time of hire, may have two additional years and use of the High, Objective, Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) option to document HQT in the additional content subjects.


    Teachers providing hospital/homebound (H/H) services (with the ESE H/H course numbers 7755020, 7855020, or 7900030 utilized), must be highly qualified for certified in the basic core academic subjects taught. Note: 1) If a H/H teacher is teaching a general education course, the teacher must meet certification requirements in accordance with the general education course number; 2) Course 7900030 continues as a non-credit course.


    Note:  Refer to the table below for additional information regarding types of courses, scheduling methods/service delivery, and certification and HQT requirements.


    Certification Requirements for Different Scheduling Methods Used for Students with Disabilities


    Information is provided in the table below on scheduling methods/service delivery with corresponding certification/qualification and HQT requirements based on various types of courses.  Districts should exercise discretion in implementing these options based on the consideration of appropriateness to student needs and related staffing issues.

    Table starting on Page 17

    Type of Course

    Scheduling Method/Service Delivery

    Certification Requirements in accordance with SBE Rule 6A-1.0503, F.A.C.

    HQT Requirements in accordance with NCLB

    Additional Comments

    1. Grades K to 12 general education 

    One teacher (Grades K to 12 general education) is providing instruction. 




    An ESE teacher is providing consultation services in accordance with a student’s IEP.

    Grades K to 12 general education teacher must meet certification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.


    ESE teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area.  Note: If consultation is provided to address a student’s visual impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is visually impaired.  If consultation is provided to address a student’s hearing impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is hearing impaired.  If consultation is provided to address a student’s dual sensory impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification may be hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.  If consultation is being provided by an occupational or physical therapist, or speech-language pathologist, see related therapy courses (e.g., 7763030, 7763040, 7763050, 7763070, etc.) in Section 4 for applicable certifications.

    Grades K to 12 general education teacher must meet HQT requirements for Grades K to 12 core academic subjects taught.


    ESE teacher is not required to meet HQT requirements since this teacher is not providing instruction in the core academic subject.

    The Grades K to 12 general education teacher and ESE teacher meet face-to-face or via conference call or virtual technologies on a regular basis to plan, implement, and monitor instructional alternatives designed to ensure that the student with a disability is successful in the general education classroom (consultation model). 

    1. Grades K to 12 general education

    Two teachers are providing instruction through co-teaching in accordance with Section 1003.03(5)(c), F.S.  Both teachers share responsibility for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction for all students in a class/subject for the entire class period.

    Both teachers must meet certification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.


    If one co-teacher is also providing the specially-designed instruction as indicated on a student’s IEP, the teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area.


    Note:  If specially-designed instruction is provided to address a student’s visual impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is visually impaired.  If specially-designed instruction is provided to address a student’s hearing impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is hearing impaired.  If specially-designed instruction is provided to address a student’s dual sensory impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification may be hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.   If specially-designed instruction is being provided by an occupational or physical therapist, or speech-language pathologist, see related therapy courses (e.g., 7763030, 7763040, 7763050, 7763070, etc.) in Section 4 for applicable certifications.

    Both teachers must meet HQT requirements for Grades K to 12 core academic subjects taught.

    Example:  Two teachers co-teach an Algebra 1 course composed of students with disabilities and students without disabilities.  This means both teachers share responsibility of planning, instructing, and evaluating all students in the class.



    1. Grades K to 12 general education

    Two teachers are providing instruction (not co-teaching).  The Grades K to 12 general education teacher is teaching the Grades K to 12 general education course content. 




    An ESE teacher provides services via “in class one-on-one.”  In class one-on-one is defined in the Automated Student Information System as follows: “Teacher meets with an individual student or small group of students on an individualized basis within a traditional classroom but not as a co-teacher.”  In class one-on-one is also known as, “support facilitation,” or “inclusion teaching” in accordance with s. 1003.03(5), F.S.

    Grades K to 12 general education teacher must meet certification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.


    ESE teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable. 


    Note:  If in class one-on-one instruction is provided to address a student’s visual impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is visually impaired.  If in class one-on-one is provided to address a student’s hearing impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is hearing impaired.  If in class one-on-one  is provided to address a student’s dual sensory impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification may be hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.   If in class one-on-one is being provided by an occupational or physical therapist, or speech-language pathologist, see related therapy courses (e.g., 7763030, 7763040, 7763050, 7763070, etc.) in Section 4 for applicable certifications.

    Grades K to 12 education teacher must meet HQT requirements for Grades K to 12 core academic subject.


    ESE teacher is not required to meet HQT requirements since this teacher is not providing instruction for the Grades K to 12 core academic subject.

    Example: Students with disabilities working on general education standards who require specially-designed instruction by a support facilitator receive it inside the general education classroom (rather than a resource room).

    1. Grades K to 12 general education

    One teacher serves as both the Grades K to 12 general education teacher and the ESE teacher to provide the specially-designed instruction as identified on the students’ IEPs.


    The teacher must meet certification in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.




    ESE teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable.


    Note:  If all students in the classroom are hearing impaired, the required certification for the teacher is hearing impaired. If all students in the classroom are visually impaired, the required certification for the teacher is visually impaired. If all students in the classroom are dual sensory impaired in accordance with the IEP, the required certification for the teacher is either hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.  

    The teacher must meet HQT requirements for Grades K to 12 core academic subject.

    The teacher may sign the IEP as the general education teacher and the special education teacher.


    Example: A teacher in a center school is teaching a general education course in math to students with emotional/behavioral disabilities and is also implementing other services indicated on the student’s IEP.

    1. Grades K to 12 general education and ESE 7700, 7800, 7900 series

    One teacher (Grades K to 12 general education) is providing instruction for both the Grades K to 12 and ESE courses.




    An ESE teacher provides services via “in class one-on-one.” In class one-on-one is defined in the Automated Student Information System as follows: “Teacher meets with an individual student or small group of students on an individualized basis within a traditional classroom but not as a co-teacher.”  In class one-on-one is also known as, “support facilitation,” or “inclusion teaching” in accordance with s. 1003.03(5), F.S.

    Grades K to 12 general education teacher must meet certification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.  Note: The Grades K to 12 general education teacher is not out-of-field for the ESE course number.


    ESE teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable.


    Note:  If in class one-on-one instruction is provided to address a student’s visual impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is visually impaired.  If in class one-on-one is provided to address a student’s hearing impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification is hearing impaired.  If  in class one-on-one  is provided to address a student’s dual sensory impairment in accordance with the IEP, the required certification may be hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.   If in class one-on-one is being provided by an occupational or physical therapist, or speech-language pathologist, see related therapy courses (e.g., 7763030, 7763040, 7763050, 7763070, etc.) in Section 4 for applicable certifications.

    Grades K to 12 general education teacher must meet HQT requirements for Grades K to 12 core academic course.


    ESE teacher is not required to meet HQT requirements since this teacher is not providing instruction for the Grades K to 12 core academic subject.

    Example:  A student participating in access points (who takes the FAA) attends a Biology I course, but the content for that student is differentiated by the support facilitator to reflect the complexity levels identified by the Access Biology Course.



    1. Grades K to 12 general education and ESE 7700, 7800, 7900 series

    One teacher serves as both the Grades K to 12 general education teacher and the ESE teacher to provide the specially-designed instruction as identified on the students’ IEPs.


    The teacher must meet certification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.




    ESE teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable.


    Note:  If all students in the classroom are hearing impaired, the required certification for the teacher is hearing impaired. If all students in the classroom are visually impaired, the required certification for the teacher is visually impaired. If all students in the classroom are dual sensory impaired in accordance with the IEP, the required certification for the teacher is either hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.  

    The teacher must meet HQT requirements for the core academic subject.  Additionally the level of instruction, not the grade level of the students, determines the HQT requirements for the ESE course.  If the level of instruction provided to the students is at the grade K-6, the teacher must meet the HQT requirements for elementary education.  If the level of instruction provided to the students is at the grade 7-12 level, the teacher must meet the HQT requirements for the appropriate secondary core academic subject area (e.g., English).

    Example: A teacher who is certified for the ESE course number and the general education course number is teaching a diverse class of ESE students, some who work on general education standards and others who work on alternate standards (access points).


    1. ESE 

    7700, 7800, 7900 series

    One teacher (ESE) is providing instruction.

    ESE teacher must meet certification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable.


    Note:  If all students in the classroom are hearing impaired, the required certification for the teacher is hearing impaired. If all students in the classroom are visually impaired, the required certification for the teacher is visually impaired. If all students in the classroom are dual sensory impaired in accordance with the IEP, the required certification for the teacher is either hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.  


    The teacher must meet HQT requirements for the core academic subject.  Additionally the level of instruction, not the grade level of the students, determines the HQT requirements for the ESE course.  If the level of instruction provided to the students is at the grade K-6, the teacher must meet the HQT requirements for elementary education.  If the level of instruction provided to the students is at the grade 7-12 level, the teacher must meet the HQT requirements for the appropriate secondary core academic subject area (e.g., English).

    Example: A teacher who teacher Access Language Arts for grade 3 is ESE certified and is also highly qualified in elementary education.


    Example: A teacher who teaches Access Algebra 1 for grade 9 is ESE certified and is also highly qualified in middle grades math.


    Type of Course


    Scheduling Method/Service Delivery


    Certification/Qualification Requirements in accordance with SBE Rule 6A-1.0503, F.A.C.

    Grades K to 12 general education  


    One teacher (Grades K to 12 general education) is providing instruction. 




    An ESE teacher is providing consultation services in accordance with a student’s IEP.


    The Grades K to 12 general education teacher and ESE teacher meet face-to-face or via conference call or virtual technologies on a regular basis to plan, implement, and monitor instructional alternatives designed to ensure that the student with a disability is successful in the general education classroom (consultation model). 


    Both teachers must meet certification/qualification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.


    ESE teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable. 



    Two teachers are providing instruction through co-teaching in accordance with Section 1003.03(5)(c), F.S.  Both teachers share responsibility for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction for all students in a class/subject for the entire class period.



    Two teachers are providing instruction (not co-teaching).  The Grades K to 12 general education teacher is teaching the Grades K to 12 general education course content. 




    An ESE teacher provides services via “in class one-on-one.”  In class one-on-one is defined in the Automated Student Information System as follows: “Teacher meets with an individual student or small group of students on an individualized basis within a traditional classroom but not as a co-teacher.”  In class one-on-one is also known as “support facilitation” or “inclusion teaching” in accordance with s. 1003.03(5), F.S.



    Both teachers must meet certification/qualification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.


    ESE teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable. 


    Example 1:  Two teachers co-teach an Algebra 1 course composed of students with disabilities and students without disabilities.  This means both teachers share responsibility of planning, instructing, and evaluating all students in the class.





    Example 2: Students with disabilities working on general education standards who require specially-designed instruction by a support facilitator and receive it inside the general education classroom (rather than a resource room).


    One teacher serves as both the Grades K to 12 general education teacher and the ESE teacher to provide the specially-designed instruction as identified on the students’ IEPs.



    The teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number and the teacher must meet certification/ qualification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable.  The teacher may sign the IEP as the general education teacher and the special education teacher. 


    Example: A teacher in a center school is teaching a general education course in mathematics to students with emotional/behavioral disabilities and is also implementing other services indicated on the student’s IEP.

    Grades K to 12 general education and ESE 7700, 7800, 7900 series




    One teacher (Grades K to 12 general education) is providing instruction for both the Grades K to 12 and ESE courses.




    An ESE teacher provides services via “in class one-on-one.” In class one-on-one is defined in the Automated Student Information System as follows: “Teacher meets with an individual student or small group of students on an individualized basis within a traditional classroom but not as a co-teacher.”  In class one-on-one is also known as “support facilitation” or “inclusion teaching” in accordance with s. 1003.03(5), F.S.




    Both teachers must meet certification/qualification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number.


    ESE teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable. 


    Example:  A student participating in access points (who takes the FSAA) attends a Biology 1 course, but the content for that student is differentiated by the support facilitator to reflect the complexity levels identified by the Access Biology Course.




    One teacher serves as both the Grades K to 12 general education teacher and the ESE teacher to provide the specially-designed instruction as identified on the students’ IEPs.


    The teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number and the teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable. 


    Example: A teacher who is certified for the ESE course number and the general education course number is teaching a diverse class of ESE students, some who work on general education standards and others who work on alternate standards (access points).


    ESE 7700, 7800, 7900 series


    One teacher (ESE) is providing instruction.


    The teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements in accordance with the Grades K to 12 general education course number and the teacher must meet certification/qualification requirements for any ESE area unless the exceptions noted below are applicable. 


    Example: A teacher who teaches Access Language Arts for Grade 3 is ESE certified and certified in elementary education.


    Example: A teacher who teaches Access Algebra 1 for Grade 9 is ESE certified and is also certified in middle grades mathematics or secondary grades mathematics.



    Exceptions:  Please note that if all students in the classroom are hearing impaired, the required certification for the teacher is hearing impaired. If all students in the classroom are visually impaired, the required certification for the teacher is visually impaired. If all students in the classroom are dual sensory impaired in accordance with the IEP, the required certification for the teacher is either hearing impaired, visually impaired, or mentally handicapped.  


    Page 22

    Access Courses For Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities


    Access courses are intended only for students with a significant cognitive disability.  Access courses are designed to provide students with access to the general curriculum.  Access courses in the core academic areas require teachers to be highly qualified certified in the applicable core content area in accordance with the level of instruction.


    Page 23

    Prekindergarten Programs for Children with Disabilities

    Last sentence: The exceptions to the requirement for the prekindergarten disabilities endorsement, as noted on Page 18 17, are applicable.


    For courses listed on pages 127-175





























































    Display appropriate educator certifications as:



    ESE 6


    SPC LRN DS @6



    Remove dual certification requirements for:



    CHEM 1

    E CHILD ED !0


    ELEM ED @3


    ENGLISH @3


    ERTH-SPA S 1


    HISTORY @1

    MATH @3

    MATH @4

    MATH 1

    MG ENG C




    MGIC ?C



    POL SCI @1


    SCIENCE @3

    SCIENCE @4

    SOC ST @3