Division of Historical Resources
Special Category Historic Preservation Grants Formal Solicitation For Applications
The Florida Department of State is currently soliciting applications for Special Category Grant-in-Aid assistance for historic preservation projects. Applications will be accepted online at dosgrants.com.
The application submission period will open April 15, 2017, and end at 5:00 p.m., ET on May 15, 2017. Applications will only be accepted electronically and must be complete to be considered for evaluation.
Funding availability will depend upon legislative appropriation during the 2018 Legislative Session. Recommended grant awards will start at $50,000 and not exceed $500,000.
To access the complete solicitation letter please visit DHR website: http://dos.myflorida.com/historical/grants/.
Grant staff can be contacted at: 1(800)847-7278, email: BHPgrants@dos.myflorida.com or by visiting: www.flheritage.com/grants.