a variance from Rule 6A-1.09433(1)(b), Voluntary Prekindergarten Pre- and Post-Assessments. The petition, dated May 18, 2015, requests a variance or waiver of the requirement that the VPK provider utilize the observational instrument known as ...  



    State Board of Education


    6A-1.09433Voluntary Prekindergarten Pre- and Post-Assessments

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on or around June 8, 2015, the Office of the Clerk for the Department of Education received a copy of a petition for a variance from paragraph 6A-1.09433(1)(b), F.A.C., Voluntary Prekindergarten Pre- and Post-Assessments. The petition, dated May 18, 2015, requests a variance or waiver of the requirement that the VPK provider utilize the observational instrument known as Teaching Strategies Gold, and requests that the VPK provider be permitted to utilize the HighScope COR Advantage assessment. The petitioner is Redlands Christian Migrant Association. The petition also seeks a waiver or variance from an associated rule adopted by the Office of Early Learning, paragraph 6M-1.09433(1)(b), F.A.C., Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Pre- and Post-Assessments. A copy of the petition may be obtained by contacting the Department of Education’s Office of the Clerk: Cathy Schroeder, Agency Clerk, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines St., Tallahassee, FL 32399 or email: cathy.schroeder@fldoe.org. Public comments concerning this petition for a variance can be made at https://app1.fldoe.org/rules/default.aspx. The Department will accept comments concerning the Petition for 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. To be considered, comments must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 23, 2015.