Waiting List Procedures  



    Florida’s Office of Early Learning


    6M-4.300Waiting List Procedures


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 42 No. 90, May 9, 2016 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The following change has been made:

    6M-4.300 School Readiness Application and Waiting List Procedures

    (1)through (5) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 1001.213(2), 1002.82(2)(f)1.c., 1002.84(2), FS. Law Implemented 1002.81(14), 1002.82(2)(f)1.c., 1002.84(2), 1002.85(2)(c)2., 1002.87(3), FS. History–New 4-21-03, Formerly 60BB-4.300, Amended __________.


    Form OEL-SR 01 School Readiness Application has the following changes:

    Page 1, Section I. Parent #1 Profile—added definition of “Parent”

    Page 2, Section I. Parent #1 Contact Information—added language examples to: What is the primary language spoken at home? subsection

    Page 2, Section IV. Parent #2 Profile—added definition of “Parent”

    Page 4, Section IV. Parent #2 Contact Information--added language examples to: What is the primary language spoken at home? subsection

    Page 7, Section VIII. Other Household Members--added “Sibling” as an option for “Relationship to Parent #1”

    Page 8, Section IX. Other Income—added “Person Full Name Earning Other Income” above Income Source checklist.

    Page 8, Section IX. Other Income---deleted “The above additional income is for * Person Full Name: ______________________.”

    Page 8, Section IX. Other Income—deleted “Are you attending school and working?  * If yes, you are required to complete the School/Training tab AND the Employment sections. Yes   No”

    Page 8, Section IX. Other Income—deleted “Are you disabled or unable to work as documented by a physician or a letter from the Social Security Administration awarding you disability benefits? * Yes   No”


    Form OEL-SR01-PQ has the following changes:

    Text in parentheses at question #4 changed to: (If yes, check one of the last two boxes under question #5 if applicable)

    Text added at question #5. Are you currently receiving or previously received school readiness services with another early learning coalition?

Document Information

Related Rules: (1)
6M-4.300. Waiting List Procedures