The Commission proposes to promulgate and adopt the new rule to set forth the obligations for professional licenses licensed under Chapter 458, F.S., and by moving the requirements to a chapter designated strictly for professional licensees and ...  



    State Boxing Commission


    61K1-3.019Arena Equipment; Ring Requirements; Floor Plan and Apron Seating

    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The Commission proposes to promulgate and adopt the new rule to set forth the obligations for professional licenses licensed under Chapter 458, F.S., and by moving the requirements to a chapter designated strictly for professional licensees and updating the rule to match industry standards.

    SUMMARY: The rule amendment will set forth the standards for arena equipment for the ring and floor plan and for qualifications for apron seating.

    SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS AND LEGISLATIVE RATIFICATION: The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.

    The Agency has determined that the proposed rule is not expected to require legislative ratification based on the statement of estimated regulatory costs or if no SERC is required, the information expressly relied upon and described herein: During discussion of the economic impact of this rule at its Board meeting, the Board, based upon the expertise and experience of its members, determined that a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC) was not necessary and that the rule will not require ratification by the Legislature. The agency has determined that the proposed rule is not expected to require legislative ratification based on the statement of estimated regulatory costs. The information expressly relied upon and described herein:

    • There will be no adverse economical impact on small businesses.

    • There will be no regulatory cost increase over $200,000.

    • There will be no ascertainable indirect costs over $200,000.

    Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.


    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 548.003(2) FS.


    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Paul Waters, Executive Director, Florida State Boxing Commission, 1940 North Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1016




    61K1-3.019 Arena Equipment; Ring Requirements; Floor Plan and Apron Seating.

    (1)Boxing, Kickboxing, and Mixed Martial Arts Ring Requirements.

    (a) The ring shall be not less than 18 feet nor more than 22 feet square inside the ropes.

    (b) The ring floor or apron shall extend beyond the ropes not less than 18 inches.

    (c) The ring shall be formed of four posts and at least four ropes for boxing and kickboxing. For MMA, the lowest rope shall not exceed more than 12 inches from the next rope. The ropes shall extend in parallel lines 18, 30, 42, and 54 inches in height above the ring floor. The top three ropes shall be not less than 1 inch in diameter. The lowest rope must be no higher than six inches from the ring floor. All ropes shall be wrapped in velvet or other similarly soft material. Ropes shall be properly adjusted and sufficiently taut to inhibit the participant from falling between the ropes. An additional tie rope shall be centered on all four sides of the ring surrounding the ring ropes to prevent excessive separation of the ring ropes.

    (d) Ring posts shall be not less than 3 inches in diameter and shall extend from the floor of the ring to a height of no more than 58 inches.

    (e) The ring platform shall not be more than 4 feet above the surrounding floor and shall be provided with steps for use of the participant in each participant’s corner. Steps shall also be provided in a neutral corner for use by the announcer, referee, round card carrier and physicians.

    (f)  The ring platform shall not be less than twelve (12) feet below the ceiling.

    (g) The ring floor, both inside and outside the ropes, shall be padded to a thickness of at least 1 inch and the padding shall consist of a soft material such as “Ensolite Ring Pad” or similar closed-cell foam material applied over a 1-inch base of “Celotex building board No 2”, or a material which has similar impact absorbing characteristics. There shall be a top covering of canvas, duck, or equivalent material tightly stretched and laced to the ring platform.

    (h) If the match or program of matches is being held outdoors, the ring, apron and seating for all officials shall be protected from inclement weather by use of a heavy duty weatherproof tarpaulin or cover of similar material. The covering shall be erected in such a manner as to ensure that the ring, apron and seating do not become wet. Under no circumstances will the referee or the executive director’s designee allow a match to continue if the condition of the ring floor deteriorates such that its condition poses a hazard to the participants or the referee.

    (i) Ring posts must be properly padded in a manner approved by the commission.

    (j) The ropes of the rings shall be no less than six (6) feet from the nearest row of the audience.

    (2) Kickboxing and Martial Arts Fenced Area Requirements.

    (a) The fenced area shall not be less than 18 feet wide nor more than 32 feet wide inside the fencing;

    (b) The fenced area within the fencing must be padded with “Ensolite” or similar closed-cell foam with at least a 1 inch layer of foam padding;

    (c) The fenced area padding must be covered with canvas, duck or similar material tightly stretched and laced to the platform. Any covering that is slippery, tends to gather in lumps or ridges or is otherwise deemed by the commission as unsafe will not be allowed.

    (d) The fenced area platform must not be more than 4 feet above the surrounding floor and shall be provided with steps for use of the participants. In addition to the participants’ steps, a neutral set of steps shall also be provided for use by the announcer, referee, round card carrier and physicians;

    (e) Ring posts shall be made of metal with dimensions of not less than 3 inches nor more than 6 inches in diameter and shall extend from the floor of the building to a height of no less than 60 inches nor more than 84 inches above the floor of the fenced area. Ring posts must be properly padded in a manner approved by the commission. Ring posts must be padded with “Ensolite” or similar closed-cell foam with at least a 1 inch layer of foam padding;

    (f) Fencing must be made of a material that will prevent a participant from falling out of the fenced area or breaking through the fenced area onto the floor of the building or onto the spectators, including, without limitation, chain link fence coated with vinyl;

    (g) Any metal portion of the fenced area must be covered and padded with “Ensolite” or similar closed-cell foam with at least a 1 inch layer of foam padding in a manner approved by the commission;

    (h) When the fenced area is comprised of panels of fencing, structural metal tubing or pipes used to support the fencing is permissible if located along the exterior of the fencing. No metal tubing or pipes are permitted within the fenced area.

    (i) The fence surrounding the fenced area in which the participants are competing shall be kept free of all obstruction.

    (j) Each door must be secured by a latch and pin mechanism or another approved dual locking system.

    (3) Other Fight Mediums for Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts.

    (a) A floor plan other than a ring as described in subsection (1) above or an enclosure other than a fenced area as described in subsection (2) above may be proposed to the commission at least 45 days prior to the proposed date of the live event. At a minimum, detailed specifications regarding dimensions and materials used must be provided to the executive director. Any other information, including but not limited to video footage, requested by the executive director or his or her designee must be provided no later than 30 days prior to the proposed date of the live event;

    (b) Proposals are subject to approval by the executive director or his or her designee.

    (4) Boxing, Kickboxing, and Mixed Martial Arts Floor Plan and Apron Seating.

    (a) The executive director or his or her designee shall determine the seating arrangements and space requirements for each location at which a match or program of matches is to be held and shall advise the promoter of the floor plan to be used.

    (b) The executive director or his or her designee shall designate seating at the ring apron as provided in these rules. Ring apron seating on all four sides of the ring shall be exclusively controlled by the commission and no person shall be permitted to be seated or have access to the apron without the approval of the executive director or his or her designee. The executive director or his or her designee may designate some apron seating for use by the promoter provided however that such use does not interfere with any of the officials or commission representatives seated at the ring apron. Alcoholic beverages shall not be consumed by anyone seated at the ring apron. The following seating shall be provided at the ring apron for all matches:

    1. The appropriate number of seats for judges arranged to allow them a clear and unobstructed view of the ring or fenced area and its floor;

    2. A seat for the timekeeper shall be located in a neutral position so that the timekeeper has access to a power outlet and the timekeeper and the referee shall have visual contact at all times during the match and that the timekeeper shall have immediate and unobstructed access to the bell;

    3. A seat for the knockdown or assistant timekeeper shall be located in a neutral position, adjacent to the timekeeper so that the knockdown or assistant timekeeper and the timekeeper and referee shall have visual contact at all times during the match and that the knockdown or assistant timekeeper shall have immediate and unobstructed access to the instrument being used for the knockdown count;

    4. Seats for the executive director or his or her designee, and each commissioner present shall be located so that the executive director or his or her designee, and the commissioners shall have a clear and unobstructed view of the ring, ring floor, referee, and timekeeper;

    5. A seat for each physician shall be located adjacent to each participant’s corner in such location so that each physician shall have a clear and unobstructed view of the ring, ring floor, the participant’s corner, and the referee. If a fenced area is used, the physicians shall be seated at the door where the participants enter and exit.

    (c) No match shall begin or continue unless three judges, the timekeeper, knockdown timekeeper, and at least one physician are located in their designated seats, and the referee is in the ring.

    Rulemaking Authority 548.003 FS. Law Implemented 548.003(2) FS. History– New ______.






Document Information

Comments Open:
The rule amendment will set forth the standards for arena equipment for the ring and floor plan and for qualifications for apron seating.
The Commission proposes to promulgate and adopt the new rule to set forth the obligations for professional licenses licensed under Chapter 458, F.S., and by moving the requirements to a chapter designated strictly for professional licensees and updating the rule to match industry standards.
Rulemaking Authority:
548.003 FS.
548.003(2) FS.
: Paul Waters, Executive Director, Florida State Boxing Commission, 1940 North Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1016.
Related Rules: (1)
61K1-3.019. Arena Equipment; Ring Requirements; Floor Plan and Apron Seating