Department of Military Affairs, Departmental  

  • Florida National Guard Construction Projects


    The State of Florida, Department of Military Affairs (DMA), Construction & Facility Management Office (CFMO) requests bids from State of Florida registered and licensed Design-Build Teams for the following projects located at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center (CBJTC), Starke, FL and St. Augustine, Florida.

    FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, & SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS YOU MUST GO TO THE MYFLORIDA.COM VENDOR BID SYSTEM (VBS) ON OR AFTER 6/17/2011 AT: All documents for submitting will be available on the above date.


    Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT)

    211055          –      Administration Buildings 3806, 3807, 3808 (CBJTC)

    211057          –      Multipurpose Facility/Classrooms-3805, 3842 (CBJTC)

    211056          –      Storage Building & Remodels Bld. 3845, 3873, 3875 (CBJTC)

    MCTFT #4  –      Lightner Museum Tenant Buildout (St. Augustine)

    210043          –      Pave CSMS Parking Area (CBJTC) – Published on VBS 6/29/2011

    FUNDING: The State of Florida’s performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon availability of funding and an annual appropriation by the Legislature.

    MANDATORY SITE VISIT: As stated on the Vendor Bid System

    DESIGN-BUILD PACKETS DUE: As stated on the Vendor Bid System


    211055          –      An exterior and interior remodeling project with approximately 3,000 sf of new construction along with required site work.

    211057          –      Project includes the construction of a 50x110 air conditioned pre-engineered metal building.

    211056          –      A collection of smaller projects which are primarily remodels, with one new structure.

    MCTFT#4   –      Provide complete design build services for the interior buildout of office space for the Counter Drug (CD) Headquarters, Drug Demand Reduction (DDR), and Joint Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) Offices of the Florida National Guard. Note: Project number may change in VBS.

    210043          –      Pave approximately 17,700 square yards of lime rock base.

    The Department reserves the right to reject any and all submissions or accept minor irregularities in the best interest of the DMA.

    POINT OF CONTACT: Department of Military Affairs, Construction & Facility Management Office, Contracting Branch, (904)823-0255 or (904)823-0256 or e-mail

    Faxed or e-mailed submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered. All instructions must be complied with and requested data must be included in order for your firm to be considered for this project. All information received will be maintained with the Department and will not be returned.

    Request for private meetings by individual firms will not be granted. No individual verbal communication shall take place between any applicants and the Owners or Owner’s representatives.

    Request for any additional information, clarifications, or technical questions must be requested in writing.

    Purpose: The purpose of this RFP is to obtain competitive bids from qualified organizations capable of providing the Atlantic region with access to assistive services and technology for the purpose of assistive technology device demonstrations, training, technical assistance and education. For more information and to review the RFP in its entirety, go to

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