License Requirements, Discretionary Hardship Reinstatement of Null or Void Licenses  


    61-30.102License Requirements

    61-30.403Discretionary Hardship Reinstatement of Void Licenses


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rules in accordance with Section 120.54(3)(d)a., F.S., published in Vol. 39, No. 6, January 9, 2013, issue of the Florida Administrative Register. 


    61-30.102 License Requirements.

    (1)(a) No change.

    (b) Submits a completed Form DBPR HI 0401, “Application for Licensure” effective April March 2013, adopted and incorporated herein by reference, which may be obtained by contacting the Home Inspection Licensing Program, 1940 N. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0783 or at  _________________________.

    (c) No change.

    (2) through (4) No change.


    Form DBPR HI 0401, effective March 2013, was amended in the following way:


    Page one:  

                  The checklist language is amended to read “Complete set of electronic fingerprints. background check.

                  The checklist examination is amended to read “Submit proof of passing a department approved examination for home inspection license.”

                  A section for Reinstatement of Null and Void Licenses has been added, with corresponding requirements listed. 


    Page two:

                  1.a.iii. is amended to read “Licensure by Examination:  This  box should be checked when the applicant has completed a department approved 120 hour pre-licensure training course and passed a department approved examination for home inspection licensure.”

                  1.a.v. has been added to the form to read: “Reinstatement of a Void License: This box should be checked only by an applicant who has previously held a Home Inspectors license and their license is expired.

                  1.c. has been amended to clearly set forth the steps required to complete this section. 


    Page 3:

                  d.iii. is amended to remove language referencing the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE).

                  g. i. and ii. Have been added to explain how to fill out new Section VII regarding Explanation of Illness or Economic Hardship that Prevented Renewal to ogtain information regarding the reinstatement of a void license


    Page four:  Reinstatement of a Void License has been added to Section I as an option to select. 


    Page eight:   Section IV has been amended to require submission proof of passing a departmental approved examination. 


    Page nine:  Section VII has been added to permit an Explanation of Illness or Economic Hardhsop that Prevented Renewal of License for individuals applying to reinstate a void license. 


    61-30.403 Discretionary Hardship Reinstatement of Void Licenses.

    (1) No change.

    (2) Complete the form DBPR HI 0401, “Application for Licensure”, effective April 2013 July 2013, adopted and incorporated herein. The form may be obtained by contacting the department at the following address: Home Inspection Licensing Program, 1940 N. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0783 or  at ______________________.  The application shall include a letter requesting reinstatement under this rule and documentation to establish illness or economic hardship including the nature and duration.

    (3) No change.
