Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement  



    State Board of Education


    6A-1.099811Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 39, No. 101, May 23, 2013 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    Paragraphs (5)(c) and (d) and Subsections (6) and (7) are changed, a new Subsection (8) is added, and Form TOP-1 is changed as shown below.

    6A-1.099811 Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement.

    (5) Priority schools.

    (c) A school that earns a grade of “F” within two (2) years of raising its grade from an “F” must implement one (1) of the turnaround options pursuant to Section 1008.33(4)(b)2.5., Florida Statutes, at the start of the subsequent school year.

    (d) In order to exit the Priority category, a school must improve its letter grade. In the year immediately following the improvement from an “F,” a A fFormer F school must continue to refine and submit its turnaround plan pursuant to subsection (7) of this rule;, this requirement is in the school year immediately following the improved grade, in preparation for the possibility that the school grade event it returns to a grade of “F” in the subsequent year, compelling the school to and must implement a turnaround option, pursuant to paragraph (5)(c) of this rule. Additionally, a Former F school shall sustain for three (3) years the activities and strategies outlined in the SIP that contributed to its improvement, which shall be monitored by the Department.

    (6) Turnaround options are as follows:

    (a) District-managed Turnaround (DMT):; Convert to a district-managed turnaround school;

    (b) Closure:; Reassign students to another school or schools and monitor progress of each reassigned student;

    (c) Charter:; Close and reopen the school as one or more charter schools, each with a governing board that has a demonstrated record of effectiveness;

    (d) External Operator Operation: Contract with an outside entity that has a demonstrated record of effectiveness to operate the school; and

    (e) Hybrid: Implement a hybrid of turnaround options (a)-(d), or other turnaround models that have demonstrated record of effectiveness.

    (7) Turnaround Option Plans. For each school required to plan for turnaround pursuant to paragraphs (4)(b), (5)(a), and (7)(d), tTurnaround plans shall be developed by the district in three phases according to the Department’s prescribed deadlines in three (3) phases during the turnaround planning year for each school required to plan for turnaround pursuant to paragraphs (4)(b), (5)(a), and (7)(d) of this rule. Each year, the Department shall publish notice of the deadlines for each phase of turnaround plan submission. The notice shall allow a minimum of ninety (90) days after the school grade is posted for submission of phase one, a minimum of sixty (60) days after the phase one deadline for submission of phase two, and require phase three upon the start of the school year in which turnaround implementation begins.

    (8) The State Board of Education shall approve a turnaround option plan submitted under paragraph (7)(b) when the plan:

    (a) Is submitted on Form TOP-2;

    (b) Addresses each of the requirements of Form TOP-2 by describing the action the district has taken or plans to take to fulfill the requirements, the rationale for the action, and the data sources used to make decisions and monitor progress;

    (c) Includes evidence of stakeholder engagement and community involvement during the turnaround option selection process;

    (d) Includes a timeline for the transition;

    (e) Includes research on the selected programs for all turnaround options, except closure;

    (f) Includes a listing of possible external partners, research on the selected external partners and copies of all correspondence with external partners, for the turnaround options of charter and external operator; and

    (g) Is found by the Board to create the conditions to improve the school’s grade during the two year implementation period.

    (9)(8) Forms. The following forms are hereby incorporated by reference: Form DA-1, Checklist for Districts with Focus or Priority Schools (July 2013) [insert link]; Form DA-2, Checklist for Focus and Priority Schools (July 2013) [insert link]; Form DIAP-1, District Improvement and Assistance Plan (July 2013) [insert link]; Form SIP-1, School Improvement Plan (SIP) (July 2013) [insert link]; Form TOP-1: Turnaround Option Selection (Phase 1) (July 2013) [insert link]; Form TOP-2: Turnaround Option Plan – Phases 2 & 3 (July 2013) [insert link]. All forms may be obtained by contacting the Bureau of School Improvement, K-12 Public Schools, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399.

    (10)(9) Failure to comply with the requirements of this rule will subject a district to the remedies provided in Section 1008.32, Florida Statutes.

    Form TOP-1, Number 1 under Turnaround Options has been changed to read:

    DMT: Convert to a district-managed turnaround school. A school that earns a grade of “D” for 3 consecutive years must implement the district-managed turnaround option.