Persons seeking licensure as a money services business under Chapter 560, Florida Statutes, must disclose to the Office of Financial Regulation any pending criminal charges and all criminal matters in which the applicant has pled guilty or nolo ...  

    69V-560.1021: Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Money Services Business Licensure
    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: Persons seeking licensure as a money services business under Chapter 560, Florida Statutes, must disclose to the Office of Financial Regulation any pending criminal charges and all criminal matters in which the applicant has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or has been convicted or found guilty, regardless of whether adjudication was withheld, of any crime. These requirements also apply to the relevant persons of an applicant (e.g., officers, directors, control persons, etc.) The rules require the submission of certain documentation relating to the applicant’s law enforcement record. Currently, the rules provide that the omission of any part of a law enforcement record that is required under the rules to be disclosed is deemed a material misrepresentation or material misstatement on the license application. The purpose of the proposed rule amendments is to clarify that the omission of any “material” part of a law enforcement record is a material misrepresentation or material misstatement on the license application.
    SUBJECT AREA TO BE ADDRESSED: Money Services Businesses.
    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 112.011, 560.114, 560.1401, 560.141 FS.
    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE DEVELOPMENT AND A COPY OF THE PRELIMINARY DRAFT, IF AVAILABLE, IS: Gregory C. Oaks, Chief, Bureau of Regulatory Review – Finance, Division of Finance, Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0376, phone (850)410-9805, Facsimile (850)410-9914, E-mail:


    69V-560.1021 Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Money Services Business Licensure.

    (1) Definitions. For purposes of this rule:

    (a) “Relevant persons” means each officer, director, responsible person, compliance officer, or controlling shareholder of the money services business applicant, and any other person who has a controlling interest in the money services business applicant as provided in Section 560.127, F.S. If the applicant is a natural person, he or she is the relevant person under this rule.

    (b) “Trigger date” means the date on which an applicant was found guilty, or pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a crime.

    (2) General Procedure Regarding Law Enforcement Records. At the time of submitting an Application for Licensure as a Money Services Business, Form OFR-560-01, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69V-560.1012, F.A.C., the applicant shall disclose on the application form any pending criminal charges and all criminal matters in which a relevant person has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or has been convicted or found guilty, regardless of whether adjudication was withheld, of any crime. In addition, the applicant shall supply the Office with required documentation for each relevant person, as specified in this rule, relating to: 1) all criminal matters in which the relevant person has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or has been convicted or found guilty, regardless of whether adjudication was withheld, of a class “A”, “B”, or “C” crime as described in this rule, 2) any pending criminal charges for a relevant person relating to a class “A”, “B”, or “C” crime as described in this rule, or 3) shall supply evidence that such documentation cannot be obtained. Evidence that documentation cannot be obtained shall consist of a written statement on the letterhead of the agency that would be the custodian of the documents, signed by a representative of that agency, stating that they have no record of such matter, or that the record is lost or was damaged or destroyed, or otherwise stating why the document cannot be produced. The required documentation must be legible. Required documentation includes:

    (a) A copy of the police arrest affidavit, arrest report or similar document.

    (b) A certified copy of the charges.

    (c) A certified copy of the plea, judgment, and sentence where applicable.

    (d) A certified copy of an order of entry into pre-trial intervention, and the order of termination of pre-trial intervention showing dismissal of charges where applicable.

    (e) A certified copy of an order of termination of probation or supervised release, if applicable.

    (3) Effect of Failure to Fully Disclose Law Enforcement Record on Application.

    (a) The omission of any material part of a law enforcement record required to be disclosed pursuant to subsection (2) is a material misrepresentation or material misstatement on the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to Section 560.114(1)(k), F.S.

    (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (3)(a), the Office shall not deny an application for failure to provide documentation listed in subsection (2) when the crime is not a class “A”, “B”, or “C” crime and the applicant has disclosed the crime on the application form.

    (c) If the Office discovers the applicant’s failure to disclose after a license has been granted, the Office will suspend or revoke each license currently held by the applicant as follows:

    1. Suspension for 12 months if, had the license application been accurate, the application would have been granted, based on the statutes and licensing rules applicable to the application at the time the Office issued the license, and the documentation in the applicant’s file at the time the Office issued the license.

    2. Revocation if, had the license application been accurate, the application would have been denied, based on the statutes and licensing rules applicable to the application at the time the Office issued the license.

    (4) through (19) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 560.105 FS. Law Implemented 112.011, 560.114, 560.1401, 560.141 FS. History–New 4-16-09, Amended _______.

Document Information

Money Services Businesses.
Persons seeking licensure as a money services business under Chapter 560, Florida Statutes, must disclose to the Office of Financial Regulation any pending criminal charges and all criminal matters in which the applicant has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or has been convicted or found guilty, regardless of whether adjudication was withheld, of any crime. These requirements also apply to the relevant persons of an applicant (e.g., officers, directors, control persons, etc.) The rules ...
Rulemaking Authority:
560.105 FS.
112.011, 560.114, 560.1401, 560.141 FS.
Gregory C. Oaks, Chief, Bureau of Regulatory Review – Finance, Division of Finance, Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0376, phone (850)410-9805, Facsimile (850)410-9914, E-mail:
Related Rules: (1)
69V-560.1021. Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Money Services Business Licensure