Credit for Reinsurance From Eligible Reinsurers  


    OIR – Insurance Regulation

    69O-144.007: Credit for Reinsurance From Eligible Reinsurers


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 34 No. 14, April 4, 2008 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    These changes are being made to address concerns expressed The new rule reads, in its entirety:

    69O-144.007 Credit for Reinsurance from Eligible Reinsurers.

    (1) Purpose. Paragraph (3)(e) of Section 624.610, F.S., gives the Commissioner the option to allow credit for reinsurance without full collateral for transactions involving assuming insurers not meeting the requirements of Section 624.610(3)(a)-(d), F.S. These rules implement that paragraph. This rule does not apply to reinsurers that meet the requirements of Section 624.610(3)(a)-(d), F.S. This rule is not an attempt to assert extraterritorial jurisdiction. Insurers that write in states other than Florida will need to comply with the laws of those states. This rule applies only to property and casualty insurance; it does not apply to life and health.

    (2) Definitions. As used in this rule the following terms have the following meanings:

    (a) “Ceding insurer” means a domestic insurer, as defined by paragraph (1) of Section 624.06, F.S.

    (b) “Eligible reinsurer” means an assuming insurer which does not meet the requirements of paragraph (3)(a), paragraph (3)(b) or paragraph (3)(c) of Section 624.610, F.S., and which has been determined by the commissioner by order to have met the requirements set forth in subsections (6) and (7) of this rule.

    (c) “Eligible jurisdiction” means a jurisdiction which has met the requirements set forth in subsection (8) of this rule.

    (3) With respect to reinsurance contracts entered into or renewed on or after the effective date of this rule, a ceding insurer may elect to take credit, as an asset or deduction from reserves, for reinsurance ceded to an eligible reinsurer, provided that the eligible reinsurer holds surplus in excess of $100 million and maintains, on a stand-alone basis separate from its parent or any affiliated entities, a secure financial strength rating from at least two of the rating agencies indicated in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this subsection. The credit is subject to the limitations set forth in this rule. The rating agencies are:

    (a) Standard & Poor’s;

    (b) Moody’s Investors Service;

    (c) Fitch Ratings;

    (d) A.M. Best Company; or

    (4) The collateral required to allow 100% credit shall be no less than the percentage specified for the lowest rating as indicated below:


    Collateral Required












    AA+, AA, AA-

    Aa1, Aa2, Aa3

    AA+, AA, AA-


    A, A-

    A+, A, A-

    A1, A2, A3

    A+, A, A-


    B++, B+

    BBB+, BBB, BBB-

    Baa1, Baa2, Baa3

    BBB+, BBB, BBB


    B,B-,C++, C+,C,C-, D,E,F

    BB+,BB,B B-,B+,B,B _,CCC,CC ,C,D,R,NR

    Ba1,Ba2,Ba3,B 1,B2,B3,Caa,C a,C

    BB+,BB,BB -,B+,B,B-,C CC+,CCC,C CC-,DD


    For reinsurance ceded by Florida domestic property insurers for short-tailed lines as defined below, any collateral required to be posted may be subject to a one-year deferral from the date of the first instance of a liability reserve entry as a result of a catastrophic loss from a named Hurricane. For these purposes, a short-tailed line of business is defined as any one of the following lines of business as reported on the NAIC annual financial statement:

    Line 1Fire

    Line 2Allied Lines

    Line 3Farmowners multiple peril

    Line 4Homeowners multiple peril

    Line 5Commercial multiple peril

    Line 9Inland marine

    Line 12Earthquake

    Line 21Auto physical damage

    (5) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to deny the ceding insurer the ability to take credit for reinsurance for the remainder of its liabilities with an eligible reinsurer so long as those amounts are secured with acceptable collateral pursuant to Section 624.610(4), F.S.

    (6) In addition to the trust fund required under paragraph (3)(c) of Section 624.610, F.S., the commissioner may permit an assuming insurer that maintains a trust fund in a qualified United States financial institution, as that term is defined in paragraph (5)(b) of Section 624.610, F.S., for the payment of the valid claims of its United States cedent insurers and their assigns and successors in interest to also maintain in a qualified United States financial institution a trust fund constituting a trusteed amount at least equal to the collateral required in accordance with subsection (4) of this rule to secure the liabilities attributable to United States cedent insurers under reinsurance policies (contracts) entered into or renewed by such assuming insurer on or after the effective date of this rule or such other date as may be established in other states for cedent insurers domiciled in such states.

    (7) A ceding insurer may not take credit pursuant to this rule unless:

    (a) The reinsurer has been determined, by order of the commissioner, to be an eligible reinsurer, pursuant to subsection (7) of this rule;

    (b) The ceding insurer maintains satisfactory evidence that the eligible reinsurer meets the standards of solvency, including standards for capital adequacy, established by its domestic regulator;

    (c) All reinsurance contracts between the ceding insurer and the eligible reinsurer must provide:

    1. For an insolvency clause in conformance with Section 624.610(8), F.S.;

    2. For a service of process clause in conformance with Section 625.610(3)(f)1. and 2., F.S.; and

    3. For a submission to jurisdiction clause in conformance with Section 625.610(3)(f)1. and 2., F.S.

    (8) Status as eligible reinsurer.

    (a) Application for a determination as an eligible reinsurer under this rule shall be made by cover letter from the insurer requesting a finding of eligibility as a reinsurer pursuant to this rule. The cover letter shall be accompanied with the following:

    1. Audited financial statements from inception or for the last 3 years, whichever is less, filed with its domiciliary regulator by the reinsurer or, in the case of a rated group, by the group, pursuant to or including a reconciliation to U.S. GAAP, U.S. Statutory Accounting Principles, or International Financial Property Standards (IFRS); the requirement for 3 years reconciliation shall be waived by the office if the commissioner determines that other provided financial information will be as useful in the determination of financial health of the reinsurer;

    2. Documentation that the applicant submits to the jurisdiction of the United States courts, appoints an agent for service of process in Florida, and agrees to post 100% collateral for its Florida liabilities if it resists enforcement of a valid and final judgment from a court in the United States, or if otherwise required by the Office pursuant to this rule;

    3. A report that provides information to the office as to its ceded and ceding insurance; the information may be provided in the form of the NAIC Property and Casualty Annual Filing Blank Schedule F, or in any manner determined by the office to provide the information needed by the office in its determination as to whether the reinsurer should be made eligible;

    4. A list of all disputed or overdue recoverables due to or claimed by ceding insurers, whether or not the claims are in litigation or arbitration;

    5. A certification from the domiciliary regulator of the insurer that the company is in good standing and that the regulator will provide financial and operational information to the Office.

    (b) The determination of eligibility will be made by order executed by the Commissioner.

    (c) To become an eligible reinsurer, the reinsurer, at a minimum:

    1. Shall hold surplus in excess of $100 million;

    2. Shall be authorized in its domiciliary jurisdiction to assume the kind or kinds of reinsurance ceded by the ceding insurer; and,

    3. Shall be domiciled in an eligible jurisdiction as defined in subsection (8).

    (d) If the Commissioner determines, based upon the material submitted, and any other relevant information, that it is in the best interests of market stability and the solvency of ceding insurers, the Commissioner will find, by order, that the insurer is an eligible reinsurer and will set an amount of credit allowed for the reinsurer if lower than the amount set forth in subsection (4).

    (e) Every eligible reinsurer shall file the following information annually with the Office, on the anniversary of the order granting it eligibility:

    1. A statement certifying that there has been no change in the provisions of its domiciliary license or any of its financial strength ratings, or a statement describing such changes and the reasons therefore;

    2. A copy of all financial statements filed with their domiciliary regulator;

    3. Any change in its directors and officers;

    4. An updated list of all disputed and overdue reinsurance claims regarding reinsurance assumed from U.S. domestic ceding insurers; and

    5. Any other information that the Office may require to assure market stability and the solvency of ceding insurers.

    (f) An eligible reinsurer must immediately advise the Office of any changes in its ratings assigned by rating agencies, or domiciliary license status.

    (g) At any time, if the Commissioner determines that it is in the best interests of market stability and the solvency of ceding insurers, the Commissioner will withdraw, by order, any determination of an insurer as an eligible reinsurer or require the reinsurer to post additional collateral.

    (h) If the rating of an eligible reinsurer rises above that used by the Commissioner in his or her determination of the credit allowed for the reinsurer, an affected party may petition the Commissioner for a redetermination of the credit allowed. If it is in the best interests of market stability and the solvency of ceding insurers, the Commissioner will raise the credit allowed for the reinsurer.

    (9) Status as an eligible jurisdiction

    (a) The determination of a jurisdiction as an eligible jurisdiction is to be made by the Commissioner. No jurisdiction shall be determined to be an eligible jurisdiction unless:

    1. The insurance regulatory body of the jurisdiction agrees that it will provide information requested by the Office regarding its eligible domestic reinsurers;

    2. The Office has determined that the jurisdiction has a satisfactory structure and authority with regard to solvency regulation, acceptable financial and operating standards for reinsurers in the domiciliary jurisdiction, acceptable transparent financial reports filed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and verifiable evidence of adequate and prompt enforcement of valid U.S. judgments or arbitration awards;

    3. The Office has determined that the history of performance by reinsurers in the jurisdiction is such that the insuring public will be served by a finding of eligibility;

    4. For non-US jurisdictions, the jurisdiction allows U.S. reinsurers access to the market of the domiciliary jurisdiction on terms and conditions that are at least as favorable as those provided in Florida law and regulations for unaccredited non-U.S. assuming insurers; and

    5. There is no other documented information that it would not serve the best interests of the insuring public and the solvency of ceding insurers to make a finding of eligibility.

    (b) If the NAIC issues findings that certain jurisdictions should be considered eligible jurisdictions, the Commissioner shall, if it would serve the best interests of the insuring public and the solvency of ceding insurers, make a determination that jurisdictions on the NAIC list are eligible jurisdictions.

    (c) If the Commissioner determines that it is in the best interests of market stability and the solvency of ceding insurers, the Commissioner shall withdraw, by order, the determination of a jurisdiction as an eligible jurisdiction.

    (10)(a) If the rating of an eligible reinsurer is below or falls below that required in subsection (4) for the respective amount of credit, the existing credit to the ceding insurer shall be adjusted accordingly. Notwithstanding the change or withdrawal of a eligible reinsurer’s rating, the Commissioner, upon a determination that the interest of ensuring market stability and the solvency of the ceding insurer requires it, shall, upon request by the ceding insurer, authorize the ceding insurer to continue to take credit for the reinsurance recoverable, or part thereof, relating to the rating change or withdrawal for some specified period of time following such change or withdrawal, unless the reinsurance recoverable is deemed uncollectible.

    (b) If the ceding insurer’s experience in collecting recoverables from any eligible reinsurer indicates that the credit to the ceding insurer should be lower, the ceding insurer shall notify the office of this.

    (11) The ceding insurer shall give immediate notice to the Office and provide for the necessary increased reserves with respect to any reinsurance recoverables applicable, in the event:

    (a) that obligations of an eligible reinsurer for which credit for reinsurance was taken under this rule are more than 90 days past due and not in dispute; or

    (b) That there is any indication or evidence that any eligible reinsurer, with whom the ceding insurer has a contract, fails to substantially comply with the solvency requirements under the laws of its domiciliary jurisdiction.

    (12) The Commissioner shall disallow all or a portion of the credit based on a review of the ceding insurer’s reinsurance program, the financial condition of the eligible reinsurer, the eligible reinsurer’s claim payment history, or any other relevant information when such action is in the best interests of market stability and the solvency of the ceding insurer. At any time, the Commissioner may request additional information from the eligible reinsurer. The failure of an eligible reinsurer to cooperate with the Office is grounds for the Commissioner to withdraw the status of the insurer as an eligible reinsurer or for the disallowance or reduction of the credit granted under this rule.

    (13)(a) Upon the entry of an order of rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation against the ceding insurer, pursuant to Chapter 631, Part I, F.S., or the equivalent law of another jurisdiction, an eligible reinsurer, within 30 days of the order, shall fund the entire amount that the ceding insurer has taken, as an asset or deduction from reserves, for reinsurance recoverable from the eligible reinsurer; provided, however, the commissioner may waive part or all of the foregoing requirement upon a showing of good cause.

    (b) If an eligible reinsurer fails to comply on a timely basis with paragraph (a) of this subsection, the Commissioner shall withdraw the reinsurer’s eligibility under this rule, or take such other steps as necessary in the best interests of market stability and the solvency of the ceding insurers.

    (14) The Commissioner may, by order, determine that credit shall not be allowed to any insurer for reinsured risk pursuant to this rule if it appears to the Commissioner that granting of the credit to the ceding insurer would not be in the public interest or serve the best interests of the ceding insurer’s solvency.

    (15) Nothing in this rule prohibits a ceding insurer and a reinsurer from entering into agreements establishing collateral requirements in excess of those set forth in this rule.

    Specific Authority 624.308, 624.610(14) FS. Law Implemented 624.307(1), 624.610 FS. History–New_________.