Florida’s Office of Early Learning
6M-8.620Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Pre- and Post Assessments
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 42 No. 89, May 6, 2016 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
The following changes are made:
6M-8.620 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Pre- and Post-Assessment Compliance
(1) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(a) through (c) No change.
(d) “Bright Beginnings” is the Florida VPK Assessment online reporting system used by VPK providers, school districts, and early learning coalitions found on the website: https://brightbegginningsfl.org an example of the website, without user specific information, this can be found on Form OEL-VPK 12 (June 2016) which is hereby incorporated by reference and found at____________.
(e) No change.
(2) The Florida VPK Assessment Materials.
(a) VPK Private Provider Responsibilities.
1. No change.
2. If the VPK private provider fails to order assessment materials in accordance with subparagraph (2)(a)1., receipt of the materials will not be guaranteed in time for required assessment administration as described in this rule and subjects the provider to consequences for noncompliance.
(b) Early Learning Coalition Responsibility.
1. The coalition is responsible for the timely review, approval or disapproval of orders for assessment materials placed by VPK private providers on Bright Beginnings. The coalition shall:
1.a. Monitor email notifications regarding assessment materials.
2.b. Review orders and verify that the quantity of materials ordered aligns with the number of VPK classes offered by the contracted VPK private provider ordering the materials.
3.c. Approve or disapprove orders placed by contracted VPK providers within seven (7) calendar days after the order is placed, or if the order is placed before contract is executed, approve or disapprove orders within seven (7) calendar days of executing Form OEL-VPK 20, the Statewide Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contract (VPK Provider Contract) as incorporated in Rule 6M-8.301, F.A.C. with the provider. If order is disapproved, the coalition shall notify the VPK provider through Bright Beginnings of the reason for disapproval.
4.d. Approve or disapprove a resubmitted order no later than seven (7) calendar days after receiving email notification that the order is pending approval and notify the VPK provider through Bright Beginnings of the reason for disapproval if order is disapproved.
(c) School District Responsibilities.
1. No change.
2. If the school district fails to order assessment materials in accordance with subparagraph (2)(c)1, receipt of the materials will not be guaranteed in time for required assessment administration as described in this rule. And subjects the public school to consequences for noncompliance.
(3) No change.
(4) Verification and Compliance.
(a) through (b) No change.
(c) Noncompliance with VPK pre- and post-assessment.
1. No change.
2. If the coalition verifies that a private provider failed to comply with the VPK pre- and post-assessment requirements of s. 1002.67(3), F.S. and the removal from eligibility to offer VPK for a period of five (5) years is required in accordance with s. 1002.67, F.S. the coalition shall notify the Office of Early Learning (OEL). The OEL will require the coalition to remove the provider’s eligibility accordingly. If a private provider fails to comply with the VPK pre- and post- assessment requirements, the coalition has the responsibility to determine the appropriate consequence in accordance with the VPK Provider Contract (Form OEL-VPK 20) and Section 1002.67, F.S. If the appropriate consequence is removal from eligibility to offer VPK for a period of five (5) years, the coalition shall notify the Office of Early Learning of the noncompliance.
3. If the school district verifies that a public school failed or refused to comply with the VPK pre- and post-assessment requirements of s. 1002.67(3), F.S. and the removal from eligibility to offer VPK for a period of five (5) years is required in accordance with s. 1002.67, F.S. the school district shall notify OEL. The OEL will require the school district to remove the public school’s eligibility accordingly and notify the early learning coalition. If a public school fails to comply with the VPK pre- and post- assessment requirements, the school district shall determine the appropriate consequence in accordance with in the VPK Provider Contract (Form OEL-VPK 20) and Section 1002.67, F.S. and shall notify the early learning coalition of the noncompliance and consequence. If the appropriate consequence is removal from eligibility to offer VPK for a period of five (5) years, the school district shall notify the Office of Early Learning of the noncompliance.
4. If a VPK provider is removed from eligibility due to the failure to comply with the VPK pre- and post-assessment, either the VPK provider’s school-year program or summer program, or both, is removed from eligibility to deliver VPK for a period of five (5) years. If a coalition or school district determines the removal of eligibility is the appropriate action of a VPK provider’s failure to comply with the VPK pre- and post-assessment, either the VPK provider’s school-year program or summer program, or both, is removed from eligibility to deliver VPK for a period of five (5) years.