Programs of Study and Vocational Courses  



    Division of State Fire Marshal


    69A-37.065Programs of Study and Vocational Courses


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 45 No. 141, July 22, 2019 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    The following changes to Rule 69A-37.065 include changes that were published in the Notice of Change in the Vol. 47, No. 39, February 26, 2021, issue of the Florida Administrative Register to amend the Florida Urban Search and Rescue Program in subsection (6).


    The following changes are in response to comments by the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee in a letter dated March 25, 2021.


    69A-37.065 Programs of Study and Vocational Courses

    The following programs of study are developed and revised by the Florida State Fire College, pursuant to sections 633.128, 633.406, 633.408, 633.418, and 633.508, F.S.:

    (1) through (5) No change.

    (6) No change.

    (a) No change.

    (b) No change. 

    1. No change.

    2. Approved Courses. The courses must be approved by the Bureau and meet the curriculum requirements of the program. The courses must be delivered by the Bureau, an education or training provider, a fire service provider, or a regionally or nationally accredited college or university as outlined in subsections 69A-37.084(5) and (6), F.A.C. These providers must deliver these courses using the Syllabus for FLUSAR Vehicle and Machinery Rescue Technician Level II (Rev. 11/19), which is hereby incorporated by reference and can be found at this link: <insert new DOS website address>; or on the Bureau’s website: Providers shall have access to use all equipment, FLUSAR Vehicle and Machinery Rescue Operations and Technician Equipment List (Eff. 05/16),, hereby incorporated by reference, listed at this link:, to deliver these courses.

    a. through e. No change.

    3. through 4. No change.

    (c) through (f) No change.

    (g) FLUSAR Trench and Excavation Rescue Operations. The Bureau will record completion of training in the Bureau’s database when the individual meets the program requirements of this paragraph (6)(g), and the qualifications for FLUSAR Trench and Excavation Rescue Operations set forth by the Bureau herein.

    1. through 4. No change.

    (h) FLUSAR Trench and Excavation Rescue Technician. The Bureau will record completion of training in the Bureau’s database when the individual meets the program requirements of this paragraph (6)(h), and the qualifications for FLUSAR Trench and Excavation Rescue Technician set forth by the Bureau herein.

    1. through 4. No change.

    (i) through (k) No change.

    (7) through (10) No change.


    The Department has made the following revisions to the syllabi listed below in response to comments from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Vehicle and Machinery Rescue Operations was amended to conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(a)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Vehicle and Machinery Rescue Technician was amended to correct the title of the syllabus; conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(b)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Rope Rescue Operations was amended to conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(c)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Rope Rescue Technician was amended to conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(d)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Confined Space Rescue Operations was amended to conform the Instructor Qualification in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(e)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Confined Space Rescue Technician was amended to correct the title of the syllabus; conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(f)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Trench and Excavation Rescue Operations was amended to conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(g)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section IV, Course Materials, and in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Trench and Excavation Rescue Technician was amended to conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(h)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Structural Collapse Rescue Operations was amended to conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(i)3., F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.


    The Syllabus for FLUSAR Structural Collapse Rescue Technician was amended to correct the title of the syllabus; conform the Instructor Qualifications in Section V with the instructor qualifications in subparagraph 69A-37.065(6)(j)3.,F.A.C.; and delete the asterisks in Section VI, Job Performance Requirements.