Department of Education, University of Florida  

  • Letters of interest for the following: RFI07SV-194, Water Reclaim Facility Filter Repair and Retrofit


    The University of Florida, Purchasing and Disbursement Services will receive letters of interest for the following: RFI07SV-194, Water Reclaim Facility Filter Repair and Retrofit, due by June 29, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. (Local Time). Estimated Budget Range: $500,000 – $800,000 Description: The University of Florida requests information from companies specializing in filter repairs and retrofits. UF has six Parkson DynaSand filter cells installed in 1992, each filter cell contains (4) 50-square-foot DynaSand Filter concrete modules. These filters are structurally failing and must be upgraded to provide the filtrate required to meet the DEP operation permit. UF intends to retrofit the filters within the existing concrete structures. Alternate filtration options outside of these structures are not of interest.

    Vendors are requested to submit to Purchasing Services a detailed description of a proposed solution and/or information on projects completed of a similar size and scope. Please provide as much detail and documentation as possible. Once this information is collected, it will be reviewed in order possibly create a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation to Negotiate (ITN). All information regarding a potential competitive solicitation will be available on the Purchasing website at

    All questions and letters of interest should be directed to Sarah Vidal, Construction Coordinator, UF Purchasing and Disbursement Services, or (352)392-1331, ext. 226.

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