The purpose of this rulemaking is to consolidate, reorganize, clarify, streamline, and standardize Florida’s shrimp regulations into chapter 68B-31, F.A.C., to make these regulations easier to read, understand, and enforce. ....  

Document Information

Comments Open:
These proposed rule amendments would reorganize and clarify regulations related to shrimping in Florida Waters. The changes in these amendments are part of Marine Fisheries Rule Cleanup, a long-term, ongoing effort to clarify, streamline, and standardize marine fisheries rules to make regulations easier to read, understand, and enforce, without changing the effect or intent of these regulations or how they are applied. Current shrimp regulations lack an easy-to-follow organizational ...
The purpose of this rulemaking is to consolidate, reorganize, clarify, streamline, and standardize Florida’s shrimp regulations into chapter 68B-31, F.A.C., to make these regulations easier to read, understand, and enforce. This rulemaking is part of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s ongoing, long-term Marine Fisheries Rule Cleanup project. The effect of this rulemaking would be to make clarifying or non-substantive rule updates to implement the standardized ...
Rulemaking Authority:
Article IV, Section 9, Florida Constitution
Article IV, Section 9, Florida Constitution
Related Rules: (15)
68B-31.001. Northeast Florida Live Bait Shrimp Fishery; Purpose and Intent
68B-31.002. Definitions
68B-31.003. Live Bait Shrimp Trawl Gear Specifications
68B-31.0035. Trawls: Allowed Use; Maximum Square Footage of Mesh Area; Definitions
68B-31.004. Trawl Gear Specifications: Turtle Excluder Devices Required; Exceptions; Definitions
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