Department of Education, University of Central Florida  


    University of Central Florida

    Threshold Services


    The University of Central Florida, on behalf of the State of Florida, announces that professional services are required in the following discipline(s): Threshold Inspection.

    The consultant will provide Threshold Inspection services for educational (university) facilities and will work with Architects and Engineers on design and construction projects that have a basic construction budget estimated to be $1,000,000 or more. Campus Service contracts for these projects provide that the consultant will be available on an as-needed basis. The consultant receiving the award will not have an exclusive contract to perform services for these projects. The university may have additional campus service professionals under contract during the same time period.

    The consultant, as the SPECIAL INSPECTOR required by Florida Statute 553 for Threshold Buildings, shall provide and perform all of the services that are needed to execute the STRUCTURAL INSPECTION PLAN FOR THRESHOLD BUILDINGS for educational (university) facilities. In providing and performing the Threshold Inspection Services, the Licensed Architect or Registered Engineer serving as the SPECIAL INSPECTOR shall, with such frequency as may be needed, personally visit the project site to ensure that all of his/her duly authorized representatives are coordinating, performing, and recording all of the necessary Threshold Inspection Services in a complete, adequate, and timely, proper and professional manner throughout the construction phase of the project.

    Proposals will be evaluated in the following areas: the firm’s qualifi­cations, including recent, current, and projected workloads; past performance; location; ability to meet schedule and budget; experience of the firm's personnel, staff and consultants; and project fact sheet requirements. Finalists will be provided a copy of the University of Central Florida Design, Construction, and Renovation Standards, and the University of Central Florida Threshold agreement with which they must comply. The Selection Committee may reject all proposals and stop the selection process at any time.


    Firms desiring to provide the professional services shall apply by letter. Proximity of location will be a prime factor in the selection of the firm.

    Attach to each letter of application:

    1.A completed Florida Board of Education – Division of Colleges & Universities “Professional Qualifications Supplement.

    2.A copy of the applicant’s current Professional Registration Certificate from the appropriate governing board. An applicant must be properly registered at the time of application to practice its profession in the State of Florida. If the applicant is a corporation, it must be chartered by the Florida Department of State to operate in Florida. Further, documentation of licensure and/or certification of the Threshold Building Inspector and his/her Authorized Representatives are required.

    A list of completed jobs over the last two (2) years with contact names and telephone numbers.

    A completed University of Central Florida "Professional Qualifications Supplement." Proposals must not exceed 40 pages, including the Professional Qualifications Supplement and letter of application. Pages must be numbered consecutively. Submittals which do not comply with these requirements or do not include the requested data will not be considered. No submittal material will be returned.

    All applicants must be licensed to practice in the State of Florida at the time of application. Corporations must be registered to operate in the State of Florida by the Department of State, Division of Corporations, and the Florida Department of Business Professional Regulations (DBPR) at the time of application.

    Criminal background checks, E-verification, and drug testing verification will be provided for all employees and sub-contractors. Picture ID cards will be worn at all times workers are on the job.

    Submit four (4) copies of the above requested data bound in the order listed above. Applications which do not comply with the above instructions will not be considered. Application materials will not be returned.

    The plans and specifications for A/E projects are subject to reuse in accordance with the provisions of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes. As required by University of Central Florida Regulation 7.102.22, a consultant/contractor may not submit a proposal for this project if it is on the convicted vendor list for a public entity crime committed within the past 36 months. The selected consultant/contractor must warrant that it will neither utilize the services of, nor contract with, any supplier, subcontractor, or consultant in excess of $15,000.00 in connection with this project for a period of 36 months from the date of their being placed on the convicted vendor list.

    Professional Qualifications Supplement forms and descriptive project information may be obtained by contacting: Gina Seabrook, Office of Facilities Planning and Construction, 4000 Central Florida Blvd. /P.O. Box 163020, Orlando, Florida 32816-3020. Telephone: (407)823-2166, Fax: (407)823-5141.

    Submittals must be received in the Office of Facilities Planning and Construction, Facilities & Safety Building, University of Central Florida, 4000 Central Florida Blvd. /P.O. Box 163020, Orlando, Florida 32816-3020, by 5:00 p.m. local time, on August 19, 2013. Facsimile (FAX) submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered. Late submissions will not be accepted.

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