Request for Proposal
07/08-048 LM Fire Management Services
The Suwannee River Water Management District is requesting proposals for Prescribed Fire Management Services on various sites throughout the District to facilitate natural community restoration and maintenance and to reduce the threat and severity of wildfires.
Contractor will be responsible for writing burn plans, requesting burn authorizations from the Florida Division of Forestry (FLDOF) and managing prescribed burns. Firms must be able to provide their own equipment and not be dependent on FLDOF standby. Prescribed Burner Certification by the State of Florida Division of Forestry and compliance with Certified Burner Statutes is required. All crew members must have completed S-130/S-190 Basic Firefighting and Wildfire Behavior and Standards for Survival (fire-shelter training).
Proposed Schedule
July 17, 2008 Release of Request for Proposals (RFP)
July 30, 2008 Mandatory pre-proposal meeting. (Contact project manager
Scott Gregor at (386)362-1001 to reserve space.)*
August 7, 2008 Request for Bids due prior to 10:00 a.m. at District Headquarters
in Live Oak. Opening will occur at this time. *
August 13, 2008 RFP Selection Committee Meeting*
September 9, 2008 Governing Board authorization of contract.*
October 1, 2008 Anticipated start date.
* Denotes a public meeting
SRWMD policies allow for this type of service contract, at the option of the District, to be continued for two additional fiscal years if the contractor is successfully achieving its goals and there is no increase in service rate.
Proposal packages may be obtained on or after July 18, 2008, by logging on to or contacting: Gwen Lord, Administrative Assistant at (386)362-1001. Proposal packages will also be available at the pre-proposal meeting.
If, due to disability, you require a special accommodation to participate in any activity relating to this proposal, contact Gwen Lord by calling (386)362-1001.