The Agency for Health Care Administration has projected fixed bed need pools for adult and children and adolescent psychiatric and adult substance abuse beds for January 2019 pursuant to the provisions of Rules 59C-1.008, 59C-1.040, and 59C-1.041, F.A.C. Net bed need projections for adult and children and adolescent psychiatric and adult substance abuse hospital beds have been adjusted according to occupancy rate thresholds as prescribed by the above-mentioned rules. A fixed need pool projection for children and adolescent substance abuse beds is not made because the administrative rule governing this service does not include a mathematical formula for the calculation of need. An applicant seeking approval for these types of beds must establish need in its application. Letters of intent to apply for Certificates of Need pursuant to this notice must be filed with the Certificate of Need Program Office, Building 3, Room 1136 MS 28, 2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, Florida, 32308, on or before 5:00 p.m., August 5, 2013.
Any person who identifies an error in the fixed need pool numbers must advise the agency of the error within ten (10) days of publication of the number. If the agency concurs with the error, the fixed need pool number will be adjusted and republished in the first available edition of the Florida Administrative Weekly. Failure to notify the agency of the error during this ten day time period will result in no adjustment to the fixed need pool number for this cycle and a waiver of the person's right to raise the error at subsequent proceedings. Any other adjustments will be made in the first cycle subsequent to identification of the error including those errors identified through administrative hearings or final judicial review.
Any person whose substantial interest is affected by this action and who timely advised the agency of any error in the action has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. In order to request a proceeding under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, your request for an administrative hearing must state with specificity which issues of material fact or law are in dispute. All requests for hearings shall be made to the Agency for Health Care Administration and must be filed with the agency clerk at 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Suite 3431, Tallahassee, Florida, 32308. All requests for hearings must be filed with the agency clerk within 21 days of this publication or the right to a hearing is waived.
Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Net Bed Need
Children &
BedsBedsAbuse Beds
Bed NeedBed NeedBed Need
District 1000
District 2000
District 31400
District 40010
District 50020
District 6090
District 7000
District 8000
District 9700
District 10000
District 11000
Total Statewide21930