- NOTICE OF CHANGENotice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 36 No. 3, January 22, 2010 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
The changes are made in response to comments received from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee.
Paragraph 64E-26.005(4)(b) has been changed so that when adopted it will read:
If public or contract garbage collection service is available, the detention facility shall subscribe to these services unless the facility seeks to recycle or dispose of solid waste on‑site. If garbage and trash are recycled or disposed of on-site, the method of recycling or disposal shall not create sanitary nuisance conditions. Nothing in this section relieves a facility of being in compliance with requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that apply to recycling or on-site disposal of garbage and trash.
Paragraph 64E-26.005(5) has been changed so that when adopted it will read:
Beds and bedding shall be cleaned and sanitized on a schedule established by the correctional facility that is consistent with this rule. Used mattress and pillow covers shall be laundered or washed and sanitized before issued. Laundering and sanitization procedures shall follow current (as of the effective date of this rule) Florida corrections industry practices, such as following the operating procedures listed in equipment operating manuals, following the laundry guidelines of the Association for Linen Management (ALM), and the use of chemical sanitizers registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. ALM guidelines can be purchased at cost through their website, http://www.almnet.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=69. Sanitizers shall be used in accordance with the label directions to achieve the intended effect. EPA registered disinfectants can be used instead of sanitizers as long as they are used in accordance with the directions on the product label. Sheets and personal clothing shall be washed at least weekly and blankets washed or dry cleaned at least quarterly. Sheets and blankets shall be stored in a clean, dry place between laundering and issue.