On July 21, 2023, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued an order granting the waiver from Rules 67-21.0025(7)(c) and 67-21.003(1)(b). Florida Administrative Code and Section A.6.b.a of the Non-Competitive Application ....  




    67-21.0025Miscellaneous Criteria

    67-21.003Application and Selection Process for Developments

    The Florida Housing Finance Corporation hereby gives notice:

    On July 21, 2023, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued an order granting the waiver from paragraphs 67-21.0025(7)(c) and 67-21.003(1)(b). Florida Administrative Code and Section A.6.b.a of the Non-Competitive Application Package (Rev. 04-2022) for College Trace Apartments, LP, allowing Petitioner to make a future material change to the ownership structure of the Application entity and allowing the change to occur prior to the issuance of the Preliminary Determination, if necessary; and allowing disclosure of natural person principals beyond the third principal disclosure level. The recommendation to allow a future change in Applicant ownership structure is contingent upon receipt of a positive recommendation from the credit underwriter. Florida Housing determined that the Petitioner had demonstrated that it would suffer a substantial hardship if the waiver was not granted. The petitions were filed on May 11, 2023, and June 30, 2023, and notices of the receipt of petitions were published on May 15, 2023., and July 5, 2023, in Vol. 49, Number 94 and 129 F.A.R.

    A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting:

    Ana McGlamory, Corporation Clerk, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough St., Ste. 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301-1329.